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SB 401K Platforms

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Nov 15, 2006 9:48 pm

I've got a client who's company is changing 401k programs early next year.  The company didn't get rid of the old plan until early this year, so the Smith Barney team rolled all of the participants into IRAs for the remainder of this year and will put them back into the 401k when the new one launches.  Right now in the IRA the client has about 50 stocks, 10 ETFs, and some individual bonds.  VERY active management.  The client swears that he will have the same exact setup in the new 401K.  

Does SB have a program like that?  Or is my client not really understanding correctly?  I've only seen one other program that allowed for anything other than mutual funds or similar sub accounts. 

I need some education with this one.

May 30, 2007 11:15 am

Citistreet, the SB proprietary platform, has a self directed brokerage option that will allow those types of investments.