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Prestigious career?

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Sep 9, 2005 2:18 pm

A new Harris poll released yesterday of the most prestigious careers ranked 22 careers.  It found that "stockbrokers" ranked dead last of the 22, right behind real estate agent and union leader.

I'd like to know just who they polled. 

Sep 9, 2005 2:39 pm

probably the investing public…

Sep 9, 2005 2:48 pm


This is the same Harris Poll that has another of it's polls used for the BCS rankings...right?

That speaks volumes for it's validity.

Sep 9, 2005 5:58 pm

Ouch…maybe if they called it investment advisor instead of stockbroker…

Sep 9, 2005 6:01 pm

what’s a stockbroker?

Sep 9, 2005 6:26 pm

F 'em all.  And guess what all those people with low opinions, but have money, have money with FA’s. 

Sep 10, 2005 1:00 am

It’s interesting that the highest earners are at the bottom. Yes, we earn more than most doctors.

Sep 12, 2005 8:46 pm

thanks to the bank brokers, raymond james, and indys out there. i think we would have scored higher had they used EDJ instead of stock brokers

Sep 12, 2005 8:51 pm

[quote=rankstocks]thanks to the bank brokers, raymond james, and indys out there. i think we would have scored higher had they used EDJ instead of stock brokers[/quote]

Rank, what is it with your continual jabs at RJ?? 

Sep 13, 2005 12:00 am

And bank brokers. Can’t we all get along???

Sep 13, 2005 3:01 am

Heck, he didn’t spare us indys, either. (cue music) Why can’t we be friends, why can’t we be friends…

Sep 13, 2005 4:57 am


You are funny!  Let me guess....former used car saleman/insurance agent who "married up" to Jones....out grippin' and grinnin' getting that new acct bonus by getting friends and family to DCA $50 into Cap Inc Bldr.  Since you are netting about 3k-4k/mo, you desparately need to validate your choice to leave the car biz/AMWAY/Mutual of Omaha and hang your hat on the Jones reputation.

Hope you win that Harvest sales contest this fall--maybe even a freeze-dried turkey in Nov (non-Joneser's think I'm kidding....I wish).  All that to go with your framed Doug Hill portrait you won this summer which you can proudly show your friends and family! 

Do you regret leaving the used car lot?  A carton of Marlboro's for the salesman of the month contest beats the turkey any day!

Please back off the EDJ soapbox....those of us in and out of "the firm" are losing are less amusing now....but don't forget, without a are the GREATEST SALESFORCE IN THE COUNTRY! 

Sep 13, 2005 2:01 pm



.... getting that new acct bonus by getting friends and family to DCA $50 into Cap Inc Bldr.  ...

Hope you win that Harvest sales contest this fall--maybe even a freeze-dried turkey in Nov (non-Joneser's think I'm kidding....I wish).  All that to go with your framed Doug Hill portrait you won this summer which you can proudly show your friends and family! 


Thats great, brought back memories that I had forgotten about.  I'm still laughing. 

Sep 13, 2005 8:43 pm

I got an IR to give me their portrait of 3mil'.  I am going to hang it in my garage to remind me why I left.

I thought it was weird when I started with jones and they gave me a card with the 5 critical activities on one side, and 3mils picture on the other.  This guy is obsessed with his own image.  You'd think he was a communist dictator or a cult leader.


I'm glad you chose a name that illustrates the cutting edge 1985 technology your firm is still using.  It might be more appropriate if you called yourself rankann.  The latest iteration of that command.

BTW, those 7% annuities you rip brokers for selling... You sell the same ones, but big brother GP takes a couple points off the top. Dumb@ss.

Please keep posting I love it when people make fools of themselves.

Sep 14, 2005 1:40 am

Our profession will climb out of the cellers when 2 things happen.....

1.)  We get a 2 or 3 years of good markets.

2.)  We stop hearing about Advisors screwing their clients.

When people are making money and the crooked guys out of the business we'll be viewed much differently.

Sep 20, 2005 5:36 am

Most rewarding jobs in some magazine was:
Financial advisor..

It had a big complex break down. Also the position had one of the highest ratios for college grads.. I think it was like 70%.

Maybe we are all tooooooo smart.. I know I am when I play around on this website.

Success is right in front of you, so reach out and grab it!

Sep 20, 2005 6:25 pm 99

Read it, even though they used the worst possible label for us, the results aren't all that bad.