New Orleans Broker Relief
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I can't imagine that any New Orleans or Mississippi reps are visiting this website, but on the off chance that they are, I offer the following:
It is very obvious that it will be months before you will be able to restore your business and your lives as they were previous to Katrina. I have tried to imagine myself in your shoes and I have been touched with sorrow for you.
I would be more than happy to host a broker from the hurricane areas in my office and their family in my home. No rent, telephones, computers, secretaries, fax machines provided. I live in a 7,500 square foot home and have three empty bedrooms. Hopefully, my family and my office staff can provide a small degree of relief and economic salvation.
If anyone has an interest, please private message me and I can provide you with details.
Good luck to you all.
Dear Dashampersand:
I knew you are such a blessing to all. I truly admire you.
It goes around and comes around.
I am 100% certain that you will get a lot of blessing yourself.
In God's Name,
here are the first 10 reps listed on the jones website. The first is right next to the lake..... I hope jones takes care of these guys.... 29.9538048503747%3a-90.0776617553412&CT=29.9538048503747 %3a-90.0776617553412%3a24.9376971817917%3a18.7032728863438&a mp;DSN=MapPoint.NA&GCITY=new+orleans&GSTATE=la&G ZIP=&GAD3=New+Orleans%2c+Louisiana+&GAD4=USA&GAD 2=&IC=29.9538048503747%3a-90.0776617553412%3a32%3aNew+Or leans%2c+Louisiana+&DU=MI&AD4=USA
First of all, well done to you Dash. This is an extraordinary gesture on your part and I hope someone takes advantage of your offer.
Second, does anyone know what the various firms do for their borkers in this situation? Anyone here from areas of Florida that got hit last year?
I have a feeling that many firms do nothing, but I really don't know.
I can't imagine that any New Orleans or Mississippi reps are visiting this website, but on the off chance that they are, I offer the following:
It is very obvious that it will be months before you will be able to restore your business and your lives as they were previous to Katrina. I have tried to imagine myself in your shoes and I have been touched with sorrow for you.
I would be more than happy to host a broker from the hurricane areas in my office and their family in my home. No rent, telephones, computers, secretaries, fax machines provided. I live in a 7,500 square foot home and have three empty bedrooms. Hopefully, my family and my office staff can provide a small degree of relief and economic salvation.
If anyone has an interest, please private message me and I can provide you with details.
Good luck to you all.
Very honorable of you Dash. Neither my home nor my office is quite so generous, but I would extend the same offer if anyone needed help. I am in StL and affiliated with LPL, and could offer help to LPL reps if they are affected by all this.
I took the day off yesterday to work on help for New Orleans. Trying to do something positive that won't get in the way. It is painfully obvious that small to medium industry is destroyed and will be for many months to come. Yesterday I did an inventory of available industrial and commercial space in my community. Talked to banks about creating a pooled loan fund for New Orleans business. Met with Board of Realtors, housing authority and school officials to determine ability to house and school displaced workers.
Looks like we now have a community group formed to go to Louisiana within the next month and set up a program for business rescue. I feel somewhat guilty about bringing industry to my town because of this, but these business have no where to go and will quickly go out of business without a place to relocate.
In the meantime, remember the Red Cross and 1-800-HelpNow
Tragic! Last year in FL we paid them their last 6 months average month. Not a loan, just gave them the money. Money is not the point, these folks need some help. One of my good freinds was on the lake and I have not yet heard from him. I have heard his office is gone though. WOW!
Thats an incredible gesture!
From your experience will LPL match our gifts to those affected by this?
Thats an incredible gesture!
From your experience will LPL match our gifts to those affected by this?
I think-though I remain insanely busy-that I saw something on our 'welcome' page about matching gifts....hope all is well with you!
It has been very good of Dash to do this....I am humbled by his efforts......
No responses yet on the broker relocation and house offer. I’m guessing that the typical guy is still in survival/relocate family mode.