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Jul 12, 2007 4:12 pm

have lurked for awhile.  Been an advisor for 10 years.  Started at a regional (was ok), worked at a bank (yuck), and now am at an indie (sweet)

Hoping to share and learn...........

Bobby Hall cracks me up.........

Jul 12, 2007 4:31 pm


have lurked for awhile.  Been an advisor for 10 years.  Started at a regional (was ok), worked at a bank (yuck), and now am at an indie (sweet)

Hoping to share and learn...........

Bobby Hull cracks me up.........

Jul 12, 2007 4:39 pm


have lurked for awhile.  Been an advisor for 10 years.  Started at a regional (was ok), worked at a bank (yuck), and now am at an indie (sweet)

Hoping to share and learn...........

Bobby Hall cracks me up.........


Glad you're here. You're being placed on my "people I like" list.