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New EDJ Decor

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Jun 27, 2007 12:14 am

I was in Thomasville, GA today meeting with a client, and we happened to walk by a new EDJ office located in the downtown area. Wow, what a change from the cookie-cutter, '70's decor they normally install!! It actually looked very professional and up-to-date! Even the furniture looked up-to-date.

Kudos to the new decorator!

Jun 27, 2007 12:46 pm


I was in Thomasville, GA today meeting with a client, and we happened to walk by a new EDJ office located in the downtown area. Wow, what a change from the cookie-cutter, '70's decor they normally install!! It actually looked very professional and up-to-date! Even the furniture looked up-to-date.

Kudos to the new decorator!


Did they change to a new shade of green?

Jun 27, 2007 2:37 pm

Maybe the office you saw was self decorated?

Some of the longer term and larger producers in my former area had interior decorators come in and completely revamp the offices; at their own expense of course.  They looked very nice.

Jun 27, 2007 11:39 pm

[quote=Gone Indy]

Did they change to a new shade of green?


 No, it's a very professional-looking office.