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Nov 15, 2006 2:27 pm

Please visit this link for a commentary on the recently proposed merger of NYSE/NASD. d=15

Nov 15, 2006 4:06 pm

Well after they paid the CEO 200 million, why not. Menopolize and forget going all digital for another 50 years. After all why would it make sense to make things more efficient. I don’t know crap.

Nov 15, 2006 4:34 pm

So what's Frank Zarb up to these days, Bill? Robert Glauber's trying to get SarbOx repealed.

Nov 15, 2006 9:13 pm

Don’t die… I just throw in my 2 cents, which is probably worth about one cent. Obviously through the 90’s this market was so corrupt. Pick a section from CEO, accountants, mutuals funds, hedge funds, options, analysts and many more.

Maybe there was lack of regulation? Should the everyday investor be concerned a bit.

Disclaimer: Most of my money is in the market.

Nov 17, 2006 2:59 am

Ms. Schapiro does LA and readily admits NASD was a mess 10 years ago.

Nov 17, 2006 1:11 pm

I’m sure that things will be MUCH better now that Eliot Spitzer has taken the

next step on his road to the White House.

Nov 21, 2006 12:53 pm

Mary Schapiro is NO bum. Roel Campos is NO bum. "Can't catch 'em" Ketchum is a bum. Susan Merrill's a nice little girl who is very frustrated as an ENFORCEMENT type.

I see a former bum is now on the BOD of the USAF Academy. I wonder if he's going to recruit those cadets to be cold call brokers pitching penny stocks to elderly retired US Navy Admirals upon graduation!

Dec 2, 2006 7:07 pm

At least Eliot aimed his guns at the heads and not at the feet of the industry.

He took on the analysts and the ceos meanwhile the regulators were busy making the business prevention units of the brokerage firms all powerful.

Mr. A

Dec 2, 2006 11:29 pm

Eliot looked the other way for his bucket shops friends. Eliot's a showman and it was all "for the honor and glory" of Eliot Spitzer, don't kid yourself.

On the analysts, it was only the sectors which were "hot" that had problems and the reasons they were "hot" was "lotsa IPO's and SPO's to do." There was never much of a problem in other sectors with research.