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Monkeys vs Lions

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Oct 25, 2008 10:33 pm

It’s been a dream of mine for some time to have a chart showing the historic Odd-Lot % of Purchases vs Round Lot % Purchases.

See here Mr. Client?  In 2000, lots of monkeys were buying up the market to illogical heights, and now look here Mr. Client, those same monkeys are now feeding themselves to the lions.  Which do you want to be? 

I found the Odd-Lot volume from the NYSE, but it’s hard to find any more of a detailed breakdown to compare against institutional buying.

Though I realize that most of the trading will be block redemption from funds, so kind of defeats the point. 

Has anyone else tried to present this to a client? 

Oct 26, 2008 4:48 am

It’s been a dream of mine for some time to have a chart showing the historic Odd-Lot % of Purchases vs Round Lot % Purchases.

See here Mr. Client?  In 2000, lots of monkeys were buying up the market to illogical heights, and now look here Mr. Client, those same monkeys are now feeding themselves to the lions.  Which do you want to be? 

I found the Odd-Lot volume from the NYSE, but it’s hard to find any more of a detailed breakdown to compare against institutional buying.

Though I realize that most of the trading will be block redemption from funds, so kind of defeats the point. 

Has anyone else tried to present this to a client? 


Not likely, but you have a good general idea.

Most of the lemmings these days trade via mutual funds.  Consider presenting data on fund flows.

Oct 26, 2008 8:42 pm

Thanks for the suggestion.

I found the TrimTabs report of fund/futures/hedge fund inflow-outflows, it’s an interesting pdf for anyone else who wants to look:

Oct 27, 2008 8:56 pm

We have a great chart on fund inflows and outflows over the past 20 years.  The only time we’ve had net OUTFLOWS has been 1989, 2003, and 2007/08.  We all know what happened after 1989 and 2003.  Let’s hope the same thing happens now…

Oct 28, 2008 6:01 pm


  Call up the sales desk at JP Morgan and ask for their 4Q Guide to the Markets.  Ask to be sent this book every quarter.   I have found a ton of useful information.  It answered my own question about correlation information.   Page 4 shows mutual fund flows.  It very clearly shows in good markets, equity in-flows rocked out while fixed income out-flows peaced out and vice versa.  YTD the numbers are blood red for equities (obviously).     
Oct 28, 2008 6:03 pm

D’uh, I’ve been looking through it for days, and I guess I just skipped over page 4.  And thanks B24 for the recommendation, I found the piece you were talking about.  

Oct 28, 2008 6:08 pm

D’uh, I’ve been looking through it for days, and I guess I just skipped over page 4.  And thanks B24 for the recommendation, I found the piece you were talking about.  

  Is that piece only for EDJ'ers?
Oct 28, 2008 6:16 pm

Here you go.

See the power of google.