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Monday Market Drop

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Dec 19, 2009 10:09 pm

How much do we drop with this snow storm sapping state coffers and keeping people away from the mall?

Dec 19, 2009 10:35 pm

Volume on Monday will be low. The reweighting of the S&P caused alot of indexers to rebalance so the largest money managers will be out of the game by monday.

  We trade in a very narrow range the remainder of December I think.   Also, it's not that people aren't spending money for Xmas this weekend, they will either buy online or go later in the week. You don't go without Xmas presents for the kiddos because the weather got bad, you just go later or order online.
Dec 19, 2009 10:58 pm

[quote=LSUAlum] Volume on Monday will be low. The reweighting of the S&P caused alot of indexers to rebalance so the largest money managers will be out of the game by monday.

We trade in a very narrow range the remainder of December I think.

Also, it’s not that people aren’t spending money for Xmas this weekend, they will either buy online or go later in the week. You don’t go without Xmas presents for the kiddos because the weather got bad, you just go later or order online.[/quote]

I get that. Large storms keep the “power” shoppers from buying more. The mom & dad that go overboard, they’ve already bought the gifts but there is ONE LAST WEEKEND to get some shopping in. It’ll hurt retail in a big way, in my opinion.
Dec 20, 2009 12:26 am

Is this thread a joke ?

Dec 20, 2009 3:51 am

How much do we drop with this snow storm sapping state coffers and keeping people away from the mall?

  It won't change the market because they won't have results by then so Ron is right... Is this a joke?  
Dec 20, 2009 3:51 am

let it rain?