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Off to Metlife i go

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Jun 16, 2006 6:14 am

i just accepted a FA position at Met. I tried looking at the banks and wire houses but no one seems to be hiring right now in my area. My biggest fear is that even though they are a financial services company, people will only think of insurance first, which in turn, will make my gathering assets a bit more difficult. Can you anyone let me know if my fears are warranted or did i make a good choice in going to them…Thanks

Jun 16, 2006 2:14 pm

If you joined MetLife Resources, be prepared to make no money.  (That’s the division that focuses on the 403b marketplace.)

Jun 16, 2006 3:03 pm

[quote=bjack73]i just accepted a FA position at Met. I tried looking at the banks and wire houses but no one seems to be hiring right now in my area. My biggest fear is that even though they are a financial services company, people will only think of insurance first, which in turn, will make my gathering assets a bit more difficult. Can you anyone let me know if my fears are warranted or did i make a good choice in going to them..Thanks[/quote]

You've made your bed, now lie in it.

Jun 16, 2006 5:14 pm

[quote=cranky sob]

[quote=bjack73]i just accepted a FA position at Met. I tried looking at the banks and wire houses but no one seems to be hiring right now in my area. My biggest fear is that even though they are a financial services company, people will only think of insurance first, which in turn, will make my gathering assets a bit more difficult. Can you anyone let me know if my fears are warranted or did i make a good choice in going to them..Thanks[/quote]

You've made your bed, now lie in it.


Cranky S.O.B. - you sound an AWFUL Lot like RANK STOCKS-What's the matter- you find out no one is interested in your ignorant comments?

Jun 16, 2006 5:21 pm

[quote=bjack73]i just accepted a FA position at Met. I tried looking at the banks and wire houses but no one seems to be hiring right now in my area. My biggest fear is that even though they are a financial services company, people will only think of insurance first, which in turn, will make my gathering assets a bit more difficult. Can you anyone let me know if my fears are warranted or did i make a good choice in going to them..Thanks[/quote]

I love Metlife- Snoopy has some great products. The Guaranteed Income for Life with annual step-up is great for the right people. Metlife also seems to be a little quirky in the management- meaning they don't take themsevles so seriously- Stiff Black Suits-Red ties (you know- if you ever did see an American Funds Wholesaler-they all kind of look alike..) anyway- When client's need an annuity, I always go to Snoopy. The name alone is so recognizable that clients' feel comfortable right away.

So, I say congrats! I think you should do well.

Jun 16, 2006 10:50 pm

bjack…how many ways can you figure out to ask the same question? Tired of the same post three times. You took the job, now look forward.