Mark-to-market accounting
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Dec 3, 2008 9:27 pm
It’s amazing this hasn’t been talked about more: was talked about a couple of weeks ago in the Wall Street Journel.
Another option they mentioned was to lower the reserve requirements for bank. It is a good article. Thanks for sharing.As a follow up, good short video from the author of the above article:[quote=Greenbacks]It was talked about a couple of weeks ago in the Wall Street Journel.
Another option they mentioned was to lower the reserve requirements for bank. It is a good article. Thanks for sharing. [/quote]Primo - They've been talking about it for months. That's why you should tell all your clients to use equity indexed annuities.
Yeah lets blame the accountants – their the cause of all this. If only they followed Chinese GAAP, where the results is what you want it to be, this whole mess would be solved.
As I recall from college, isn't an asset (in this case a big dumb bank) valued at something like its' future cash flow (PVed of course)? Changing accountants counting rules is basically the same as a currency reform.[quote=MinimumVariance]Yeah lets blame the accountants – their the cause of all this. If only they followed Chinese GAAP, where the results is what you want it to be, this whole mess would be solved.
As I recall from college, isn't an asset (in this case a big dumb bank) valued at something like its' future cash flow (PVed of course)? Changing accountants counting rules is basically the same as a currency reform. [/quote] Nobody is saying it's the accountants' fault. But, it appears that temporarily suspending mark-to-market accounting for some assets could relieve a little stress on the balance sheet. I would think at least trying this idea, as well as bringing the uptick rule back, would be better than throwing money around and seeing where it sticks.