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Longevity Annuity?

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Aug 19, 2007 9:09 pm

Does anyone know what and how this works?   What companies are offering this product?

I have an insurance wholesaler who is telling me this is the next best thing in the insurance area and is eager to come to my office to make a presentation to me.   

Aug 20, 2007 2:41 am

[quote=Dust Bunny]

Does anyone know what and how this works?   What companies are offering this product?

I have an insurance wholesaler who is telling me this is the next best thing in the insurance area and is eager to come to my office to make a presentation to me.


I'm guessing this is some kind of lifetime income annuity.

IMHO the best of these is the one Vanguard offers through AIG, which includes a CPI link.

Other annuities offer various annual increase rider's, but that can't protect you vs serious inflation (a la the 1970s).