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May 27, 2005 3:06 am

Has anyone used this seminar?  If you have is it worth $2,000?  Also any ideas if a wholesaler would have rights to it or can we get it cheaper “LEGALLY” somewhere other then their website.  Any thoughts?

May 27, 2005 10:11 am

[quote=Uptick1]Has anyone used this seminar?  If you have is it
worth $2,000?  Also any ideas if a wholesaler would have rights to
it or can we get it cheaper “LEGALLY” somewhere other then their
website.  Any thoughts?[/quote]

I saw Ken Dychwald do a presentation on a trip a year or two ago and it
was fanstastic.  If you can get the material I would go for
it.  I emember thingking “I wish I had clients sitting here
slitening to this…”