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May 12, 2006 1:56 pm

You guys probably haven’t heard of her (I hadn’t) but I thought maybe I’d toss it out there.  Has anyone listened to her or know anything about her?

Friend has gone through the workshop and is now going to start trading his entire retirement plan with her trading system.  The returns they quote are huge but I know very little about it.  I’d hate for this guy to lose his shirt.  Anyone know about this system or what she is selling?

Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah, my friend has been self employed for a while and I know he’s taken a bath on his business.  It’s sort of a situation where I’m afraid he’s willing to risk it all in an attempt to not have to go back to a job in the corporate world. 

May 13, 2006 12:11 am

Type in her name at or Apparently, she uses options and stocks in a "synthetic bond strategy" to generate additional income.

A cursory glance of the FAQ on her website did not impress me with her strategy.

Look over her website and come to your own conclusion. If it were me, I'd advise the friend to run her strategies by me beforehand and let me describe some worst case scenarios.

May 13, 2006 11:33 pm

As a rule, you can’t go wrong avoiding doing what a woman does.

May 15, 2006 1:12 pm

[quote=Beagle]You guys probably haven’t heard of her (I hadn’t) but I thought maybe I’d toss it out there.  Has anyone listened to her or know anything about her?

Friend has gone through the workshop and is now going to start trading his entire retirement plan with her trading system.  The returns they quote are huge but I know very little about it.  I’d hate for this guy to lose his shirt.  Anyone know about this system or what she is selling?

Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah, my friend has been self employed for a while and I know he’s taken a bath on his business.  It’s sort of a situation where I’m afraid he’s willing to risk it all in an attempt to not have to go back to a job in the corporate world. 

People have been promoting this “easy money trading covered calls” idea for years.  There’s one fella who wrote a ‘popular’ book on it a few years ago and has done tons of seminars about making ‘free money’ in the options market. Can’t remember his name.

May 15, 2006 2:37 pm

The friend talked a little about the strategy and it is using covered calls.  The returns he’s quoting me don’t include any of the losing trades because those haven’t been closed yet.  Yeah, okay.

Thanks for the input, didn’t know if anyone had heard of her.  He’s going to do some simulated trading in it.  He’s a very smart guy, genious smart, so hopefully he won’t make a major mistake.

May 16, 2006 12:24 am

Thanks for the input, didn't know if anyone had heard of her.  He's going to do some simulated trading in it.  He's a very smart guy, genious smart, so hopefully he won't make a major mistake.

People who are genius in one area (nonfinancial) are usually duds when it comes to investing. Example: Long Term Capital Management & Medical Doctors. Watch your friend closely or he may need that genius to figure out a way to get out of a deep hole.