Insurance/Annuity Platforms
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I’m thinking about going independent, but don’t have a large enough asset base to attract the larger broker/dealers, the one I’m considering has a securities platform but no insurance or annuity arm. Is there an insurance broker platform for independents?
I know of a smaller B/D you might consider...Securities Service Network. I met a guy a few weeks ago that works with them, and they seem to not require much at all, and it seems they do all the meat and potatos from a look at their website.
Do you mean that the B/D doesn't have any selling agreements with Variable Annuity firms???? or no supported platform for fixed annuities and life insurance?
Most independent firms have selling agreements with VA companies but you are on your own in the life insurance side. This is not a bad thing. The B/D is not involved in the fixed insurance business, however they are taking a closer look at your outside business activities and are concerned with EIAs and the abuse of those products and how it can possibly reflect back on them.
No big deal. You simply contract directly with the fixed annuitiy firms and/or develop a relationship with an insurance agency and subcontract with them.