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Institutional Managed Money: What to charge?

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Aug 18, 2009 4:00 am

By a fortunate (read: blind luck) turn of events I have a shot at a large 50mm+ account, it’s a corporate account set for very low risk, and very strict rules on investments.

I figured the easiest way might be a wrap account, but what is a reasonable range to charge?  1% is obviously obscene, 50bps, 25bps, 10bps?  I want the account, but I have no idea what the guy I’m up against will charge, nor do I want to destroy the clients returns.

Aug 19, 2009 4:26 am

If by “wrap account” you mean mutual funds with a fee wrapped - that’s a really tough sell regardless of fee.  If you’re referring to a managed account (SMA/UMA) then you’ll likely need to be in the neighborhood of 50bps total cost.  The managers will likely be about 1/2 of that.  Getting down to 50bps will be very difficult with a lot of managers and managed account platforms; but not impossible.  Personally, I would shoot for 65bps - hope to get your managers, transactions, etc for 30bps.

Good luck, a 50MM account can be a nice account and often times the residual business (referrals from institution/foundation/retirement plan) can be even more lucrative.