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Aug 25, 2007 3:07 pm

This week's Barron cover piece is about the top 100 independent financial advisors. Since so many indies post here, I thought it might be of interest to a few people.

FD: I am briefly acquainted with 3 of the persons who made this list. One posted on this message board a few times this year. He's also fed up with what's transpired in the past 30 days or so and probably won't post again until school's back in session. His posts were helpful to the 10-15 years in the wirehouse biz crowd who are thinking about going independent as that is what he did after 14 years in the wirehouse biz.

Aug 25, 2007 5:28 pm

"This week's Barron cover piece is about the top 100 independent financial advisors."

You know Barrons also did a piece on the BCT study!

"Investors tend to split evenly on that question, half going with brokers, half going direct. But if a recent academic article is right, you might want to think twice before calling a broker."

Aug 26, 2007 12:21 am


He's also fed up with what's transpired in the past 30 days or so and probably won't post again until school's back in session.


So are alot of us, see below.

Aug 26, 2007 3:31 am

I think 90% plus of those who used to post and don't very often or anymore are.

On what ID he posted under, I am no cyberstalker and don't plan on outing him. He made a few (less than 5) comments about the pluses (and a few minuses) of leaving a major wirehouse for 100% indie (as in in charge of one's own destiny) after the AGE/WB merger was announced. His comments are on one of those threads.

Aug 28, 2007 4:08 am

check out the Certified Networked Advisors site. no chumps allowed, it is not a free site, only for top producers, mostly indy’s, but all ethical and licensed brokers are permitted. Admin reads every post, trolls are deleted from the forum.

Aug 28, 2007 4:35 am

the site just opened… they are actively kicking out trolls.  it is not the quantity of posts or posters, but quantity.  The goal is a 24/7 forum without trolls.  

Aug 28, 2007 4:37 am

all i can say is that I have make great connections and my clients and I have made money thanks to the site and the high quality advisors and content. i hope your site does the same.  best of luck.