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Aug 22, 2006 1:58 pm

Hi all I am trying to study for the cfp exam. I have used the coll for fin plan material. Is there anything else that might be better? I do have a degree so I do not need the deadline push.  Also I just left ed jones to go to uvest. Thanks,

Aug 22, 2006 3:39 pm

Ken Zahn has a great review program. Go to his website and check it out.

Aug 22, 2006 8:06 pm

I found the Kier (sp?) CD test bank helpful for review.

BTW, welcome to LPL!

Aug 22, 2006 8:52 pm

Hey thanks for the responses so far. You Indyone you bring up a good point about LPL. Do you know of any changes that might happen? I am not sure but I thought LPL was for indys.

Aug 22, 2006 8:59 pm

[quote=blue]Hey thanks for the responses so far. You Indyone you bring up a good point about LPL. Do you know of any changes that might happen? I am not sure but I thought LPL was for indys.[/quote]

The odds are HUGE that the banks who have been using UVEST will switch to somebody else that is seen as a specialist in servicing banks.

I suspect there is a war room being set up in St. Petersburgh and elsewhere.

Anytime there is acquistion type activity there is a lot of fallout.

Aug 22, 2006 9:21 pm

[quote=blue]Hey thanks for the responses so far. You Indyone you bring up a good point about LPL. Do you know of any changes that might happen? I am not sure but I thought LPL was for indys.[/quote]

LPL does have a large indy channel, but they are also in banks.  In fact, I was in an LPL bank back in the mid-90's, although I was not a bank broker at the time.  I don't claim to have any real insight into what may happen, but I would expect that the technology platform would be very similar to what I have as an indy, and if so, I think you'll be blown away by it.  Also, LPL is self-clearing, so I understand that is also a change for Uvest.  Despite what my friend Nasty surmises, I think that LPL/Uvest will maintain a least the lion's share of what they have, as going elsewhere will result in at least as much disruption as any conversion will.

Aug 23, 2006 2:24 am

Point of fact is that LPL already has about 650 advisors in the bank channel BEFORE the UVest merger!