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Sep 30, 2008 3:06 am

Is it wrong for your employer to ask you to call your local politician and ask them to vote the way your firm wants?

Sep 30, 2008 5:01 am

No.  You are an adult.  You can feel free to say no.  You are also free to say yes and then not do it.  You are also free to say yes and then do it.

Sep 30, 2008 1:57 pm
breaking news:

Is it wrong for your employer to ask you to call your local politician and ask them to vote the way your firm wants?

  I think it's pretty clear who you work for.
Sep 30, 2008 3:52 pm

Jones has always been very active in the grassroots efforts to get the politicians to do what is in the best interest for our clients.  At least as they see it.  If you don’t like them working that way, toss the wire in the shred bin and get back on the phone.

Sep 30, 2008 8:22 pm

Absolutely NO WAY is it right or ethical. Do they also advise you how and for whom to vote?

Sep 30, 2008 8:30 pm

Absolutely NO WAY is it right or ethical. Do they also advise you how and for whom to vote?

  If ethics are questionable at the top political levels, why should we expect it to be any different all the way down the ladder?      
Sep 30, 2008 8:40 pm

Snags … my point is/was no employer , client , friend or family member has the right to decide how you should vote. Maybe the " old bastard " in me but if ANYONE told me how to vote , I would be telling them to take a "Fuing ride on Reading and do not pass go ".

As I recall your vote is private.
Sep 30, 2008 8:50 pm

[quote=norway401]Snags … my point is/was no employer , client , friend or family member has the right to decide how you should vote. Maybe the " old bastard " in me but if ANYONE told me how to vote , I would be telling them to take a "Fuing ride on Reading and do not pass go ".

As I recall your vote is private.[/quote]   I agree with you.  I'm just making the point that the whole system is F'd.
Sep 30, 2008 9:14 pm

Norway, you are taking a giant leap that doesn't exist.  There is a huge difference between being asked to make a call and being told what to do with one's vote.  The reason that there is nothing wrong with what is being done is that we are adults with the power to say no.

I'm frequently asked to contact politicians.  Sometimes, I'm directly asked.  Othertimes, it's just more of a general, "everyone contact your politician".   I'm politically connected.  If it's extremely important and I think that it's important, I use my connections.  If it's not so important, I'll do something generic.  If I disagree, I won't do anything.