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Apr 16, 2007 11:20 pm

Just so anyone who's interested knows, is having a free week this week, for anyone to check-out their site. Not sure I'll need it, but I signed-on to check it out, for the next few days. At the outset, it appears to have some good info on muni's and possible new issuances.

Apr 17, 2007 5:13 am

[quote=doberman]Just so anyone who’s interested knows,
is having a free week this week, for anyone to check-out their site. Not
sure I’ll need it, but I signed-on to check it out, for the next few
days. At the outset, it appears to have some good info on muni’s and
possible new issuances.


BB is the newspaper of the muni industry. Terribly expensive though, but if you manage/trade institutional muni portfolio's you probably subscribe to it.