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Jul 26, 2006 2:50 am

I'm going through the series 7 studying currently and the company I work for uses FireSolutions. I've already been studying for about 5 weeks and have about 5 weeks left until I take the test. I'm currently done with going through all the modules and am about to being taking practice tests. How does everyone feel about FireSolutions??? Will the combination of FireSolutions and Dearborn practice tests prepare me enough for the test???

Thanks for all the help! 

Jul 26, 2006 3:00 am

I work for a big 6 and used fire for 7,66 and 24.  I read through each once and took every practice test once.  The lowest that I scored on any of the actual exams was 81.  I say this not to brag but to let you know that you should have confidence in the material.  I am not a braniac 3.0 finance at major university.  There is a guy Roy Lutzi with fire who will be very helpful if you need extra exams or if you have any questions.  It is almost scary how quickly he will reply to your emails.  He is the man.....a little corny but all and all a good guy!  Also if your firm offers a prep class (taught by Roy)  make sure you go.  I wasn't able to but some of my coworkers took it and I think they were 14/15 passing the exam. 

Hope this helps!

Jul 26, 2006 3:02 am

Use the Dearborn CD ROM till you wear it out.

If FIRE still has that options formula thing, where you write down what's happening then start marking things out--or however it worked--set it aside.  It works on basic strategies, but not on all strategies.

You need to be able to think the questions through, not use a crutch that doesn't work about 40% of the time.

Jul 26, 2006 3:10 am

Agreed.......  I am sorry that I forgot to mention the options thing.  I understood options (basic) before I started studying and never liked the cheat method.  I totally discounted all options teachings.  Anyway, options are great in the sense that understanding them will help you begin to think in a way that is useful in this industry.

Honestly if you can find break even points you can answer every options question on the 7

Jul 31, 2006 4:22 am

I used STC and they helped me pass, it was a long time ago but the point I am making is -  Get past papers from every source you can!
