The Educated Consumer!
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This topic will give some links and recommended books to show you how to be an educated consumer. Don't just randomly select any fa.
It pays to be educated!!!! It's only YOUR money.
"The Intelligent Investor" is a recommended book I've heard about.
Investing or Finances for Dummies...or just get one of those Roths, give them a retirement year, monitor it from time to time and let them figure it out: that's what I do but I still believe it's good to be an educated, informed consumer. Wilma is 100% right about taking the time to learn more.
If you don't want to DIY invest, just be informed before you hire an fa. There are many horror stories of people losing their life savings and getting ripped off by their financial advisors!
Any book or info about Warren Buffet would be helpful!
Any book from Suze Orman or other fa's who have appeared on CNBC or Oprah Winfrey.
Someone recommended "The Craft of Investing" but didn't find this book that great or interesting for my purposes.
Wilma has done much research on how to be better educated on investments and finances.
She has posted much info on the site under a DIY category: ck it out.
Do a search under Google to find more info. df
It pays to be educated and informed before hiring any fa!
Good night, GGGR. I hate to leave now but, my wife has respectfully requested my presence in our bed.
Please, do me the favor of bidding good night to william1, if you are able.
I already joined my hubby in our bed earlier; we're more the daylight savings time sorts.
Be clear: i am not an interpreter or a gobetween for you and Wilma: if you want to get a message to her, tell her yourself.
Night night. Thanks again for the offer of the wine. It seems you are highly interested in conversing w/ Wilma so you suggest you direct her directly, kind sir (e.g. dweebwad).
ooops, already had a little wine. burb. well, actually alittle of S&soda on ice.
Wilma so you suggest you direct her directly, kind sir (e.g. dweebwad).
edit: Highly suggest that you talk directly to Wilma. I don't have any influence with her and we're not buds. We're both for educating the consumer and I'm against ganging up on someone as you all do here.
nighty nite.
DO NOT ALLOW THIS THREAD TO TURN INTO ANOTHER 300 POST DEBATE. Ignore the trolls and they will not be able to continue to domininate the forums. DO NOT POST ANY MORE RESPONSES TO THESE IDIOTS.
Peer pressure that should do it and how about you keeping your promise, too and don't respond.