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Deleted Topics?!

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Oct 7, 2010 3:48 pm

OK, Admin, what's the deal?  There were two posts I made this morning in threads about Jones.  Neither of them are showing up.  One thread I can't find at all - the one about political turmoil at Jones.  I don't remember the title of the other one, but both of them were in response to a guy called dccoinage or something like that.  I was just getting ready to have a nice conversation with SuperMan too.  He did call me a not so nice name, but I'm a big boy and can handle his opinion of me.   

Did you delete them?  If so, why?  That's really annoying. 

If you can delete whole topics like that, how come you can't make some of the spam posts go away? 

Oct 7, 2010 4:22 pm

[quote=Spaceman Spiff]

OK, Admin, what's the deal?  There were two posts I made this morning in threads about Jones.  Neither of them are showing up.  One thread I can't find at all - the one about political turmoil at Jones.  I don't remember the title of the other one, but both of them were in response to a guy called dccoinage or something like that.  I was just getting ready to have a nice conversation with SuperMan too.  He did call me a not so nice name, but I'm a big boy and can handle his opinion of me.   

Did you delete them?  If so, why?  That's really annoying. 

If you can delete whole topics like that, how come you can't make some of the spam posts go away? 


It was deleted by Comarde Elizabeth Warren.

part of supreme Comrade Owebama's consumer protection SS organization.

it was deemed inappropriate by the central govt. 

If you question them again.........

Oct 7, 2010 7:15 pm

I found one of them.  One I'm still searching for.  If I stop posting here on a routine basis, you'll know I asked too many questions and have been "detained." 

Then they'll search my house and find my Bibles, my guns, my episodes of Glenn Beck on my DVR, and they'll label me a domestic terrorist and send me to Gitmo.