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CV mistake in recruitment process. What to do?

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Dec 5, 2013 9:38 pm

Hi? I'm in a recuitment process for an associate position in Wealth Management for UBS. I've had two interviews so far, I appear to be in the final stage and everything is looking good so far. However, I just noticed that the Resume that I submitted contains an error.  In the last position that I worked for 8 months, I incorrectly  added 3 more months to this experience. I'm unsure whether I should notify this mistake to UBS or just let it pass. I have almost 6 years of experience and I don't know if this would be meaningfull but I don't want to look like I'm trying to deceive the Company on anything but I'm afraid about how they would take it If I inform them at this stage in the process. I have just been adviced that a 3rd party company will contact me to conduct the background check. Thanks in Advance to any feedback

Dec 9, 2013 4:40 pm

I remember when I submitted my resume, I realized that it had a spelling error on it. Luckily it was from when I was a bank teller in college, and I don’t believe they even looked at that section.

The sentence was unfortunate too “Performed finacial trasnactions with an emphasis on accuracy” LOL.

I wouldn’t worry about it, the background check doesn’t really care about the resume you handed a hiring manager at one point.

Jan 1, 2014 3:09 am

Nothing to sweat. Just point it out to them right away and when you do your registrations be sure the information is correct.

Jun 10, 2015 4:09 am

Tell them about the mistake and proved them the corrected one and assuring all the information shared is genuine.