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Feb 17, 2009 6:09 pm

So I’ve been checked out of everything for the last couple of weeks.  I haven’t worked much and haven’t followed any recent news.  I’ve literally been checked out.  I’m just getting back into things and in my small office I get very little outside contact.  From what I hear in my office, you’d think the world is ending.

  So I'd just like to ask some of you how bad you think the current environment is.  Any of you still thinking there's light at the end of the tunnel?  How do you feel about the way the (new) government has handled this as of late?   Just so you all know, I'm not sitting here panicked.  I feel like everyone else is.  Maybe I'm still checked out...  
Feb 17, 2009 6:23 pm

It's bad. Very bad. We're all broke, including the banks, General Electric, California, the U.S Treasury and most of the people I call. .... Meanwhile, the goverment is bleeding the patient.

Stocks are sale, though. Have a great day!    
Feb 17, 2009 6:42 pm

[quote=snaggletooth]So I’ve been checked out of everything for the last couple of weeks.  I haven’t worked much and haven’t followed any recent news.  I’ve literally been checked out.  I’m just getting back into things and in my small office I get very little outside contact.  From what I hear in my office, you’d think the world is ending.

  So I'd just like to ask some of you how bad you think the current environment is.  Any of you still thinking there's light at the end of the tunnel?  YES, BUT IT'S THE LIGHTS OF THE TRAIN COMING RIGHT AT US.  THE OBAMA EXPRESS.   How do you feel about the way the (new) government has handled this as of late? IS THIS A SERIOUS QUESTION?   Just so you all know, I'm not sitting here panicked.  I feel like everyone else is.  Maybe I'm still checked out...  [/quote]   In all seriousness, I think the economy is going to recover just fine on its own.  I don't think the stimulus package is going to do anything to shorten the recession.  It's too little too late.  Yes, it may aid in a more robust recovery, but there's not much in the package that I've seen that will turn things around anytime soon.  I think Obama reached way too far on this one, and over-estimated the impact he could make.  He tried to ride his "popularity wave", but the problem is, he was riding it right into a massive headwind.  However, I'm not sure what else he could have done.  If he did nothing, he would be criticized for doing nothing.  Propose too much, and the Conservatives kill you.
Feb 17, 2009 7:07 pm

I think there will be another tsunami like this down the road in 5-8 years, because of all the borrowing the gov’t is doing. Also the banks are going to be a mess for the next couple of years. Does the cycle start over when housing comesback?(how long will that take)…

  Love the new homebuyer tax credit($7500) giving money to people who can't afford homes.. Pete and Repeat when up a hill, Pete fell down, who is left? Repeat   Pete and Repeat.....
Feb 17, 2009 7:13 pm

[quote=Squash1]I think there will be another tsunami like this down the road in 5-8 years, because of all the borrowing the gov’t is doing. Also the banks are going to be a mess for the next couple of years. Does the cycle start over when housing comesback?(how long will that take)…

  Love the new homebuyer tax credit($7500) giving money to people who can't afford homes.. Pete and Repeat when up a hill, Pete fell down, who is left? Repeat   Pete and Repeat.....[/quote]   Who names their kid Repeat?
Feb 17, 2009 7:27 pm

This belongs somewhere else but…

  There was a woman at the the check out line paying for grocerys with food stamps.. The clerk said "Oh Leah(spelled Le-a) that is pretty name" the woman replied "It's LeDasha, the hyphen isn't silent"    
Feb 17, 2009 11:03 pm

It goes right there with the Miss Gello who named her kids Lemon and Oran.

Feb 18, 2009 5:15 am

I’d say the economy sucks and will suck for a few years.  The Gov will pull the fleece out and get people to believe things are better by inflating the market with borrowed and printed money.  When things take off, the New Gove will have created yet another bubble, but this time I think it will be in Gold.

  I really hate saying that, beacause I've always hated the goldbugs - but this time, I think they're right.  Any gains in the market and recovery in the economy will have massiave long term costs, one of which will be gold trading at 2,000+ in the next couple of years.   But, since I bought GLD at around 85 last week Monday - who the he** cares.
Feb 18, 2009 4:01 pm

[quote=Squash1]This belongs somewhere else but…

  There was a woman at the the check out line paying for grocerys with food stamps.. The clerk said "Oh Leah(spelled Le-a) that is pretty name" the woman replied "It's LeDasha, the hyphen isn't silent"    [/quote]   I read that story somewhere. I almost needed to call 911 because my blood pressure was about to blow my eyeballs straight out of my head.  Man, I hate people sometimes.
Feb 18, 2009 4:08 pm

The inexperience of Obama is now coming through.  He can’t smile his way through this - and he needs to provide something he’s incapable of, ‘leadership’.  He took advantage of this crises to push through almost a trillion dollars of meaningless programs that only benefit government.  The only real job creation will be for government employees, or unions. 

  However, this is an opportunity that only comes around once in a career lifetime.  This is when we gather clients, and ease into the market.    Hold on, S&P 650 is the next stop.