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Client Testimonials

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Apr 24, 2009 7:53 pm

Does anyone use client testimonials in any shape or form on marketing materials/brochures?

  The way my BD explained it was that if you advertise in any way as an IAR/RIA, you can not use client testimonials.   However, if you do not say anything about the fee based stuff, you can.   Obviously, if you only do insurance you can use them.   I've seen a mortgage guy have each of his clients write a testimonial and then he puts it into a book for people coming into the office to see.   I've been working on a tri-fold brochure to give out and think testimonials from clients would be worthwhile.  Thoughts?
Apr 24, 2009 8:33 pm

All I can say is, very few prospects have asked for referrals, and the ones that did seemed flakey. That, and you know, anything you can do to show people who you are (informal, client appreciation, client bring a friend, etc.) is 10x more powerful than most anything else. Also, I think the testimonials on Linked In look pretty flakey. You hafta check out Linked In.