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BrokeAndBroker: Regulatory Overhaul Story at Forbe

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Nov 7, 2008 1:43 pm


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An irreverent Wall Street Blog
by Bill Singer Subscribe to RSS Feed: Blog Home | Past Entries Bill Singer and Forbes' Intelligent Investing All-Stars Tackle Wall Street's Regulators Written: November 7, 2008

The Intelligent Investing Panel at has published a no-holds barred, blunt commentary on the dire state of Wall Street's regulation, and the need to take prompt action to turn the economy around.

It's this self-regulatory regime that panelist Bill Singer would change in his hypothetical first 100 days as president. Singer, a securities attorney and shareholder in the securities practice group at Stark & Stark, was concise. "I would hope, for starters, that we see a call to abolish the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and that we bury, once and for all, the failed concept of self-regulation."

Intelligent Investing All-Stars Our First Hundred Days The Investor Team plays president. Self-Regulation on Wall Street would be the first thing to go in an Investor Team Administration.
With John Osbon, Bill Singer and Bill Stone.
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