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Bps at wires?

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Aug 18, 2007 8:58 am

If you’re at one of the five major wires, can you give me the scoop on how many bps you receive on production? Please state if varies by product or AUM. I’ve heard depending on assets you’ll get around 30-45 bps, toward the higher end for proprietary product or if you’ve reached a certain level of production already. Please elaborate if in production (past training salary) at a wire.

Aug 18, 2007 12:08 pm

Did someone just teach you about basis points and you just want to try out your new words?

Aug 18, 2007 2:30 pm

30-45 is about right, although lower end producers can find themselves in the “penalty box” at 20-29%. It depends on your level of production, and LOS (years in the industry as a rep).

Aug 19, 2007 3:02 am

LOS? I assume longevity of service? That’s a bit surprising, unless someone’s

previous grid is grandfathered in? Can you elaborate on who does this and

how? (More of the cut or just eligible for other perks after a certain time


Aug 19, 2007 3:05 am

[quote=xbanker]LOS? I assume longevity of service? That's a bit surprising, unless someone's
previous grid is grandfathered in? Can you elaborate on who does this and
how? (More of the cut or just eligible for other perks after a certain time


Aug 19, 2007 3:37 am

Thought I LOS was pretty clear about LOS when I said in my post "LOS (years in the industry as a rep". So if one FA is doing 300k and has LOS 5 yrs, he might get paid at 36%, but another FA doing 300k with 15 yrs LOS is getting paid 24%, because he is expected to be doing 700k AFTER 15 years. Hope this is clear??????????????????

Aug 19, 2007 12:03 pm

If you're at one of the five major wires, can you give me the scoop on how many bps you receive on production? Please state if varies by product or AUM. I've heard depending on assets you'll get around 30-45 bps

30-45 is about right


Side note....if you receive 30-45 basis points of your production, you will go out of business very quickly.  Maybe you need to learn what a bp is first.  You should be receiving between 3000 and 4500 bps of the production you generate.  That should be a hint...