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Jan 19, 2006 12:56 pm

Sometimes this job can get so damn boring. I mean the daily activities, meeting w/prospect and clients. the same damn thing day after day. But I love the money for the little time I work.

Jan 19, 2006 1:58 pm

I stopped short of responding to your other message.  I said I'd let somebody else get on you but you are just begging for it.  This is not the same ONE thing which is what you would be doing at most other jobs.  You have, case work, paperwork, marketing, review meetings, closes.  The satisfaction of knowing you are helping someone reach their goals.  Getting to deal with all different kinds of people in all different types of business.

Boring?  Well it is easy money right?  This is "the biz", although I don't think we are in Hollywood.  If you think it's boring, "the biz" and eazy money; do your CLIENTS a favor and go do some more exciting work elsewhere.  Hey maybe skydiving instructor.

PS I do admit that filing and paperwork isn't all that exciting so I hired someone to do that for me.  Since meeting with clients is more stimulating 

Jan 19, 2006 3:26 pm

 I do admit that filing and paperwork isn't all that exciting so I hired someone to do that for me.

Wow. That stuff is just the highlight of my day.  Also checking to make sure my prospectus supply is up to date, filing trade tickets, updating the checks/securites blotter and correspondence file for compliance.  Nothing more satisfying than spending hours backing up files from the computer and making photo copies (sarcasm alert ). 

My life is much better since I have a part time to take that crap off my shoulders too.   I don't see how this job can ever be boring. You have tons of people to interact with every day....granted some of them tell you to eff off, but most are interesting people and each has a different problem for us to solve.  I love this career.

Jan 19, 2006 3:31 pm

"You have tons of people to interact with every day....granted some of them tell you to eff off, but most are interesting people and each has a different problem for us to solve.  I love this career."

Agreed.... Agreed....