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Best independent b/d

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Apr 5, 2007 7:46 pm

Let's pretend I want to hire a junior to run the lower decile book and do my trades, find some insurance opportunities in the existing book, so I can spend several hours on the phone or in meetings every day, and in the afternoons, I get assigned into a threesome on the golf course and if anyone begs to know what I do, I pick up a business card.

Which b/d could best support that model? ( Of the larger players.) In other words, grow the business through referrals at a generalist core and specializing on people who have time to play golf in the afternoon (successful business owners) - using a part time assistant and a (new) junior associate advisor.

Would any independent b/d invest in this business plan ( already well above the RJ minimums with a long track record) - by investment I mean transition cash, loans, or LPL like payout ( average 91% before ticket charges and so on. )

Thanks, readers.