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Mar 1, 2006 4:22 pm

any of the online list sellers? The type that, for a monthly fee, allow you to sort data by zip, DNC listing, home price, etc.? Any success or failure stories? The going rate seems to be $150/m for a subscription, which isn’t bad if the info is useful.

Mar 1, 2006 4:48 pm


NO bull of the companies I had better luck w/ v a few others was Integrated Systems.  I'm not sure if they have monthly deals, I believe they do, but I bought a couple lists from them and if I recall; less than 10% were bad whether DNC issues, assets or what have you; plus they would replace them for a couple new leads.

Mar 1, 2006 5:17 pm



NO bull of the companies I had better luck w/ v a few others was Integrated Systems.  I'm not sure if they have monthly deals, I believe they do, but I bought a couple lists from them and if I recall; less than 10% were bad whether DNC issues, assets or what have you; plus they would replace them for a couple new leads.


Thanks for the info

Mar 1, 2006 5:35 pm

One other company, a bit different maybe than what you are looking for but they do real good work on getting you prospect info particularly on turnkey seminar stuff with real hands off on your end setups.  CIS Marketing - they do everything from client/prospect letters, lists, seminar mailings, RSVP, DRIPs etc… Costly, but they really do a bang up job on seminars - don’t have a feel on the lists but they have various targets they work on.

Mar 1, 2006 5:45 pm

See Prospecting and Selling

Mar 1, 2006 6:24 pm

[quote=maybeeeeeeee]See Prospecting and Selling[/quote]

Good point