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Any One Man Offices?

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Dec 5, 2006 3:38 pm

Or One woman offices out there..

I am currently a semi-indy but in an office with several other advisors, sharing space and such.  I am wondering what it is like being in an office on your own with just you and a staff person?   Do you wish you were in a larger office or do you enjoy being on your own? 

Dec 5, 2006 3:43 pm

Generally I enjoy being alone and free from distractions.  However, you can get to feeling pretty isolated sometimes.

Dec 6, 2006 7:14 am

I love it – no distractions, no drama.  Just me & my assistant.

Dec 6, 2006 3:58 pm

I have had my solo office for about seven years, after 4 in a small group office. My assistant is part-time. I have investigated many alternative arrangements, and now believe a solo operation with two part timers is the best setup for me. I have other professional friends (chiropracter, orthodontist, dentist, lawyer) from the same small office building. The satellite surround system music, leather chairs, original artwork, big computer screens, and all the other stuff I havebeen pouring into my “Porshe” office over the years is of course tax deductible. I like to work hard (or not) and go to the golf course in the afternoon (even just to drive balls or play as little as 5 holes). I just take the business that drops in, and keep my costs low. You can make a good living, mainly just with assets, no much insurance, no annuity sales. Good luck.