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Annuity Salesman Overload

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Jun 29, 2007 3:36 am

Just wanted to get your attention...

I had a simple thought..

For all you annuity people out there, and all you other money managers:

It's good we've got so many people out there doing so many things, or we'd all be offering the same damn thing.  That would make our workdays pretty boring, as we'd all be cold calling & prospecting with the same thing.

Jun 29, 2007 1:56 pm


Just wanted to get your attention...

I had a simple thought..

For all you annuity people out there, and all you other money managers:

It's good we've got so many people out there doing so many things, or we'd all be offering the same damn thing.  That would make our workdays pretty boring, as we'd all be cold calling & prospecting with the same thing.


Fee-based accounts are the best thing that could've happened to my business. I hope that they never go away.