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Accredited Financial Consultant

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Mar 20, 2009 3:57 pm

Anyone know what this is, and what they are paid? Know anything about it? It seems to me to be CFP lite, but that’s after minimal research online.

Mar 20, 2009 4:20 pm

You mean Counselor?  When I first read about these, I imagined a community social worker.

About the AFC Curriculum

AFCPE offers a self-study curriculum to prepare individuals to take the AFC examinations. The first course of the two course curriculum is Personal Finance which includes a survey of financial management principles and strategies. The course focuses on budgeting and cash flow management, credit use, insurance, preparing personal financial statements. In addition, it covers the basics of saving, investing, income tax, retirement and estate planning.

The second course in the AFC curriculum, Financial Counseling, examines the components of financial counseling, including counseling, budgeting, debt reduction, collection policies and practices, bankruptcy, government assistance programs and standards of practice.

The Abilities of an Accredited Financial Counselor:

Accredited Financial Counselors have certified skills to assist individuals and families in the complex process of financial decision making, including the ability to:

Educate clients in sound financial principles. Assist clients in the process of overcoming their financial indebtedness. Help clients identify and modify ineffective money management behaviors. Guide clients in developing successful strategies for achieving their financial goals. Support clients as they work through their financial challenges and opportunities. Help clients develop new perspective on the dynamics of money in relation to family, friends and individual self-esteem.
Mar 20, 2009 4:50 pm

Yes, counselor. Oops! I saw that information on the AFCPE website, I had just never heard of it.

Mar 24, 2009 4:17 am

Just be careful about  financial consultant…you may not trust all.
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