4 Years In
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I am 4 years LOS and did 250k last year, 30 y.o. Do you think it makes sense to go into a partnership with someone (similar age and gross) or continue on my own? When does it make sense to go into a partnership (i.e.-1+1=3)?
Why are you considering a partnership? What will it accomplish for you and your clients? How do envision running the partnership? How will each of you handle the others clients and new clients/assets as the come in? How are you set up currently - b/d, office, costs etc? Where is this partner affiliated? How does each of your business models work with each other?
If your prospective partner can add something such as his strenghts are your weaknesses then why not. But if he/she brings nothing to the table other than additional gross and the same business as you I would say stay by yourself.