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2007 Goals

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Jan 17, 2007 5:58 pm

I've begun my 3rd year in production.

My personal production goal this year is 360k.    Since most of my book is fee based I'm estimating about 150k in trails combined with around 210k in new business.

This overall number would be a 40% increase over last year's production.

For the veterans is this a realistic number to shoot for this year.

Thanks in advance.


Jan 17, 2007 6:05 pm

$210,000 in new business is very doable.

Jan 17, 2007 10:28 pm


I've begun my 3rd year in production.

My personal production goal this year is 360k.    Since most of my book is fee based I'm estimating about 150k in trails combined with around 210k in new business.

This overall number would be a 40% increase over last year's production.

For the veterans is this a realistic number to shoot for this year.

Thanks in advance.



Absolutely doable. At this point in your career high double digit production gains are well within the realm of possibility. Go for it and keep us informed. Your monthly updates are an inspiration to us all.

Jan 17, 2007 11:31 pm

Way to go Scrim next year you’ll break 500K I am cofident. There is a snowballing effect in this business that really picks up speed after about your 3rd year I am sure your starting to see the beginning of a beautiful thing.

Jan 18, 2007 12:10 am

I hate to break up this love fest with a dose of cold hard reality, but I don’t think you can do it. (For your sake, I hope you prove me wrong.) If you’re doing fee-based biz and picking up 1% on C-share like investments then you would have to bring in $21MM. Not impossible, but a VERY tall order.  I think $10MM per year net new assets is more reasonable.

Jan 18, 2007 12:13 am

I hate to break up this love fest with a dose of cold hard reality, but I don’t think you can do it. (For your sake, I hope you prove me wrong.) If you’re doing fee-based biz and picking up 1% on C-share like investments then you would have to bring in $21MM. Not impossible, but a VERY tall order. I think $10MM per year net new assets is more reasonable.

He gets paid more than that upfront, also I brought in 10 million in my 2nd year. The bank is different than a wire. I expect to bring in 20 mil this year.
Jan 20, 2007 3:32 am

[quote=bankrep1] also I brought in 10 million in my 2nd year. The bank is different than a wire. I expect to bring in 20 mil this year.[/quote]

Yes. That's what I said. $10MM is a reasonable goal. You may "expect" to bring in 20 mil this year, but unless you are friends with OPRAH, it ain't gonna happen. Not impossible, mind you, but highly improbable.

Jan 20, 2007 5:24 pm


I’ve begun my 3rd year in production.

My personal production goal this year is 360k.    Since most of my book is fee based I'm estimating about 150k in trails combined with around 210k in new business.

This overall number would be a 40% increase over last year's production.

For the veterans is this a realistic number to shoot for this year.

Thanks in advance.



Forget about if it's realistic...goals are supposed to inspire you to stretch.  If you think this is a good goal, then put it up there and GO FOR IT!!!