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Ongoing Communication With Clients

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Aug 1, 2011 2:59 pm

What do people use to maintain contact and keep communications open with clients and prospects during the year?

Does anyone use an email system like constant contact or icontact or aweber ?

Several of my clients don't do anything to keep in contact with their clients other than communications regarding the reviews of their investments. Wow.

Keeping in touch with clients via e-mail either monthly or bimonthly in a one to many approach is handy for three reasons, 1.) keeps the trust strong with high touch so your clients aren't at risk of being poached, 2.) keeps you fresh in their minds so referrals are more frequent and 3.) increases the frequency of changes to their investments. (if that was one of your goals which it is for some)

Aug 2, 2011 2:32 am

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