Concerned about today's market volatility and potential downturns at all-time highs? See how managing risk can mean protecting against downturns while staying invested. Analysis has shown that from 2001-2020, even missing just the 10 best days of each year resulted in only achieving half of the total return of the S&P 500 Index - according to Schwab’s Q4 2021 Chartbook.
The ZEGA Buy and Hedge ETF (ZHDG) is an actively-managed exchange-traded fund (“ETF”) that seeks to provide exposure to the U.S. large capitalization equity market, while mitigating overall market downside risk in the event of a major market decline.
Join us when we discuss:
- How to achieve client goals and reduce volatility
- Limiting equity losses to 8-10% in any 12-month period
- Learn how ZHDG is a more of a progressive approach versus the traditional 60/40 portfolio
- Why ZHDG is an appropriate investment for goals-based investors with moderate risk profiles
- And, discover how being protected allows you to be opportunistic in down markets
The portion of the portfolio invested in equity index options provides long-term exposure to the equity markets, seeking upside potential while mitigating downside risk. The portion of the portfolio invested in income producing securities seeks to generate cash to purchase the equity options. ZHDG invests in a combination of S&P 500 index options, and fixed income (or other income producing securities).
CFP, CIMA®, CPWA®, CIMC®, RMA®, and AEP® CE Credits have been applied for and are pending approval.
Sponsored by
Jay Pestrichelli
CEO and Co-Founder
ZEGA Financial