PRESENTER Andy Rothman Investment Strategist Matthews Asia |
PRESENTER Tiffany Hsiao, CFA Portfolio Manager Matthews Asia |
PRESENTER Michael Oh, CFA Portfolio Manager Matthews Asia |
MODERATOR David Armstrong Editor in Chief |
Emerging market volatility may be dominating headlines but global investors should not let that mask Asia's strong, long-term fundamentals and economic growth trends. Rising consumer wealth in the region is creating new investment opportunities and homegrown innovation is rapidly evolving, making the region more attractive for global investors.
Please join our investment team members as they share their on-the-ground observations about the latest developments in the region. Topics include:
- The macro impact, if any, of ongoing tariffs on the region
- The significance of Asian consumers’ buying power
- Innovative small-cap companies in sectors beyond technology
- Why improving productivity is becoming a priority in Asian companies
- How investors can profit from fast-growing segments of the Chinese economy
*CFP, CIMA®, CPWA®, and AEP® CE Credits have been applied for and are pending approval.
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