Thought Leadership Research Series Sponsorship Opportunities
This pioneering research-based, lead-gen program allows you to inspire, educate and influence key prospects by providing unique perspective on hot industry topics—while producing quality leads. As a topic sponsor, you’ll build your perception as a trusted source that deeply understands the business, the needs of prospects, and the broader marketplace. It’s a unique opportunity to stimulate and build relationships—and differentiate yourself from your competitors—based not only on products and services, but also on your position as an industry thought leader.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Reinforce your position as a thought leader by aligning yourself with content based on our research and created by our industry experts
- Provide valuable input on our survey questionnaire, obtain “insider” information based on custom analyses of the data, and receive branding on the final research reports and related marketing programs.
- Sponsor associated webinar, research and white papers.
- Get involved earlier to with advisors in real time to discuss key findings revealed in our research.
- You’ll also receive all qualified leads derived from our marketing activities which include distribution via, eblasts, and REP. magazine.
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Strategic Sales Director
Mike Foy
[email protected]
Mid-Atlantic Sales Manager
Peter Lanthier
[email protected]
Midwest/West Sales Manager
Marc Angel
[email protected]
Northeast/Southeast Sales Manager
Matt Butcher
[email protected]
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