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Dec 15, 2009 1:48 am

Another new high

…bears sounding dumber and dumber.

man o man…that cash is a bicth…

lets just go ahead and say Fing zero.

whatcha getting on your cash? well…zero

i get NOTHING.    zero   zero %    no income    zip

woooooooooooohooohhoooo whoooooooooooooooooo

Mar 6 till today has been…well… priceless

a wonderful thing.

How that cash doing?

keep shortin it

keep doubting it.

(1250ish by say jan 15)

keep holding that cash

a dollar rally?   F reflation

they just rotate   so many incredible breakout charts

Dec 15, 2009 2:15 am

Your posts read like a 1st grader’s book report. 

Dec 15, 2009 2:21 am

I know.

49ers a team on the rise.

Dec 15, 2009 2:21 am

I like them.  No unnecessary fluff and they get straight to the point.  Never leaves you thinking “I’m not quite sure which side of the line he falls on”.

Dec 15, 2009 6:54 am

No unnecessary fluff???..check out the post below.
As for which side of the line; I can tell he toes the party line…but, politics isn’t reality.

Come to think of it…I think this is the transcript from yesterday’s Limbaugh show.

[quote=Shania Twain]

There is plenty of blame to go around.

the causes are complex and some rooted in actions from many years ago

to place blame on one party is dumb

liberal ideals.   

a home for everyone

level playing field (stop redlining etc)


witch doctor loans (bubba)

fnm was fdr

fre was lbj

(those agencies are really stupid. you cant have it both ways)

CDO’s, cdo’s squared, siv’s etc.: this witch hazel MIT crap WAS very wrong and had its roots is true GREED.

The original idea was a good one.   transfer risk
profile.   reduce concentration fo risk in these mortgage pools.   like
a science project gone bad, it went really bad.

These things became the black hole that made things really get out
of control and spread the pain EVERYWHERE across the globe. I have
tried to read about a CDO squared and get a basic understanding. i

i honestly dont think anyone really had a handle on these GD things, the rating agencies step in with the AAA crap

(they dont get ENOUGH blame)

perfect storm.

you dont hear much about it but fre and fnm getting in trouble in
the early 90’s (accounting crap) was HUGE in allowing the countrywides
and quick loans etc to morph. They came in to fill gap that the agenncy
could’nt fill.

perfect storm

mozilla did’nt give a crap if you could pay.   the salesmen didnt care. no one had skin in game.

thus:   no doc low doc ninja loans. countrywide et al sells em before ink dries.

wall street whores (us) package em (make our gizz) and sell to who
the fukc knows.    (the CDO guys were very close to being “bad” people"

I conclude that we as humans are really not as smart as we think we are.

NO ONE saw this crap coming.

no one connected the dots.

Al and his 400 Phd’s didnt see it.

barney didnt see it.

chris cox did’nt see it.   

The system and the complexity is bigger then all of us.

perfect storm

are there “bad people”? i dont think so.   

the biggest failure in my opinion?   govt. regulation.

it failed BIG time like always.   

if you had skin in the game no way you would have the country wides of the world.

i think as humans we have progressed to the extent that hank and ben saved the free world on sept 19, 2008.

getting that 750 bil the way they did. Reserve fund broke the buck.
libor was 6   ted spread insane. 30 day govies NEGATIVE    system was
melting. trust was GONE

we DID learn from mistakes of the 30’s.    

all this regulation bs that obama nation is putting in wont do crap.

it looks like free markets blow about ever 100 years of so.   what
gets us in 100 years wont be this.   it will be something else that
govt misses.

again bad people?   nope

gabe and jimmy mean well.   

help people who need help get people in homes.

bankers bad? nay just people trying to better themselves.

a perfect storm

and (so far) the free world didnt melt


Dec 15, 2009 3:21 pm

[quote=Still@jones]Your posts read like a 1st grader’s book report. 

    um your at Jones and your debating him?[/quote]   No, he's not.
Dec 15, 2009 9:31 pm

Still got fired from Jones (the fact that we know this helps me to think Still is pretty honest - since he could have just told us he left on his own).

Still seems like a good guy, although he is pretty Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow.

But hey, everyone has their time in life where they live in the delusional world. Progressive/liberal ideas are theoretically great. Yet they don’t hold up to reality.

Dec 15, 2009 9:43 pm

[quote=Moraen]Still got fired from Jones (the fact that we know this helps me to think Still is pretty honest - since he could have just told us he left on his own).

Still seems like a good guy, although he is pretty Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow.

But hey, everyone has their time in life where they live in the delusional world. Progressive/liberal ideas are theoretically great. Yet they don’t hold up to reality.[/quote]

Ouch! I tend to think more Jon Stewart.

ps: I hate labor unions and love guns…so I’m sure I’m not welcome on MSNBC

Dec 15, 2009 9:46 pm


[quote=Moraen]Still got fired from Jones (the fact that we know this helps me to think Still is pretty honest - since he could have just told us he left on his own).

Still seems like a good guy, although he is pretty Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow.

But hey, everyone has their time in life where they live in the delusional world. Progressive/liberal ideas are theoretically great. Yet they don’t hold up to reality.[/quote]Ouch! I tend to think more Jon I hate labor unions and love guns…so I’m sure I’m not welcome on MSNBC [/quote]

Just screwing with you. Jon Stewart is great. Although not as independent as he pretends to be.

Dec 15, 2009 9:52 pm

[quote=Still@jones]Your posts read like a 1st grader’s book report.

um your at Jones and your debating him?[/quote]

Umm, you don’t know when to use the contraction you’re and you’re [used correctly here] questioning his intelligence?
Dec 15, 2009 10:03 pm

I figured still@jones meant still at jones. my bad

Dec 15, 2009 10:06 pm


No unnecessary fluff???..check out the post below. As for which side of the line; I can tell he toes the party line…but, politics isn’t reality. Come to think of it…I think this is the transcript from yesterday’s Limbaugh show.[quote=Shania Twain]subprime

There is plenty of blame to go around.

the causes are complex and some rooted in actions from many years ago

to place blame on one party is dumb

liberal ideals.   

a home for everyone

level playing field (stop redlining etc)


witch doctor loans (bubba)

fnm was fdr

fre was lbj

(those agencies are really stupid. you cant have it both ways)

CDO’s, cdo’s squared, siv’s etc.: this witch hazel MIT crap WAS very wrong and had its roots is true GREED.

The original idea was a good one.   transfer risk

profile.   reduce concentration fo risk in these mortgage pools.   like

a science project gone bad, it went really bad.

These things became the black hole that made things really get out

of control and spread the pain EVERYWHERE across the globe. I have

tried to read about a CDO squared and get a basic understanding. i


i honestly dont think anyone really had a handle on these GD things, the rating agencies step in with the AAA crap

(they dont get ENOUGH blame)

perfect storm.

you dont hear much about it but fre and fnm getting in trouble in

the early 90’s (accounting crap) was HUGE in allowing the countrywides

and quick loans etc to morph. They came in to fill gap that the agenncy

could’nt fill.

perfect storm

mozilla did’nt give a crap if you could pay.   the salesmen didnt care. no one had skin in game.

thus:   no doc low doc ninja loans. countrywide et al sells em before ink dries.

wall street whores (us) package em (make our gizz) and sell to who

the fukc knows.    (the CDO guys were very close to being “bad” people"

I conclude that we as humans are really not as smart as we think we are.

NO ONE saw this crap coming.

no one connected the dots.

Al and his 400 Phd’s didnt see it.

barney didnt see it.

chris cox did’nt see it.   

The system and the complexity is bigger then all of us.

perfect storm

are there “bad people”? i dont think so.   

the biggest failure in my opinion?   govt. regulation.

it failed BIG time like always.   

if you had skin in the game no way you would have the country wides of the world.

i think as humans we have progressed to the extent that hank and ben saved the free world on sept 19, 2008.

getting that 750 bil the way they did. Reserve fund broke the buck.

libor was 6   ted spread insane. 30 day govies NEGATIVE    system was

melting. trust was GONE

we DID learn from mistakes of the 30’s.    

all this regulation bs that obama nation is putting in wont do crap.

it looks like free markets blow about ever 100 years of so.   what

gets us in 100 years wont be this.   it will be something else that

govt misses.

again bad people?   nope

gabe and jimmy mean well.   

help people who need help get people in homes.

bankers bad? nay just people trying to better themselves.

a perfect storm

and (so far) the free world didnt melt



You cut and pasted from another thread

cross chat message board room thread trashing. wow

is that legal?

Dec 15, 2009 10:10 pm


Progressive/liberal ideas are theoretically great. Yet they don’t hold up to reality.


amen brother.

Dec 15, 2009 10:14 pm

I think Guy (fast money) adami is getting slammed short.

he used to let tape guide him.

now talking book

axe to grind

bet me he is getting crushed


Dec 16, 2009 12:14 am

Nice work on the new Shania pic. Just wanted to publicly thank you.

Dec 16, 2009 1:00 am

[quote=Shania Twain]
You cut and pasted from another thread

cross chat message board room thread trashing. wow

is that legal?[/quote]

coming at ya from all angles!

Dec 17, 2009 7:13 pm

down a hundy

rut row

watch the bears start jacki*# off

Dec 17, 2009 8:54 pm
Shania Twain:

down a hundy

rut row

watch the bears start jacki*# off

  Flat for 6 weeks. Not good.
Dec 17, 2009 8:56 pm

whoooooooooooooo wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

short it then.

more cash

Dec 17, 2009 8:58 pm

I am a buy and holder. Tactical asset allocation. You are nieve and somewhat ridiculous.