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Edward Jones

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May 15, 2008 2:53 am

May 15, 2008 4:38 am

I doubt Miss Jones is a blond…really doubt it.

  Miss Jones is in fact a blonde; however, the carpet doesn't exactly match the drapes according to sources who asked to remain anonymous.
May 15, 2008 2:53 pm

I don’t think any of them have clarity. I think they have pudding for brains. You’re nicer than me. I take that back. B24 has some clarity. Miss Jones is nice—blonde maybe, but no clarity. Spiff—way out there, as his name suggests. Borker??? ya think? I don’t.

  What is it exactly that makes me "way out there" as opposed to the others?  Is it that I have a strong opinion and I'm not afraid to state it?    Pudding for brains?  Really?  Because we like where we work?  Because we understand the shortcomings of the company but feel comfortable enough with them to accept them and continue to build our businesses here?    Don't think for a second that we have pudding for brains because we choose not to follow in your footsteps and go indy.  If that's what you choose to believe, then that's your right.  But, I reserve the right to think you are a pompous prick. 
May 15, 2008 4:07 pm


Will you ever learn????   These pinheads are so jealous that in order to make themselves feel better after being canned by Jones for lack of production, they needle you over an over and sit back in their chairs and laugh at how they are really sticking it to the Big Green Machine by taking away produtivity of one of their brokers!  We, as well as some others on this thread, know the real story and appreciate being with what is, for us, the best company to work for, that's all that matters!!!!!!   If you left this forum, guys like bspears and donatello wouldn't know what to do with themselves.  We all know that no company is perfect...but they can't help but spew hatred about a firm that actually makes its employees satisfied...albeit not everyone...but a large portion!  Whatch out, if Spiffy leaves the forum and noone listens to the haters rants, they may come after you Merrill guys...or maybe Wachovia...but of course...LPL or RJ whatever indy firm they work under, will remain perfect!
May 15, 2008 4:53 pm

Here we go again…anyone that leaves Jones is a failure and we are jealous…what a freakin joke.  Here is another green joker from the mothership…Read my tagline there Kool aid…I can’t help you…

May 15, 2008 5:18 pm

Kool-Aid, are you being serious?  And you wonder why they call it a cult?

  Now, one thing I will agree with....if all the Jones guys left the forum, the posts would dry up and not be as fun (I actually enjoy some of the banter).  But c'mon.  Re-read your post.
May 15, 2008 5:18 pm

While there are people who leave Jones and go elsewhere for performance issues, or the lack thereof, I'm not sure I would include most people on this forum in that group.  Most of you simply found a place that you felt was better for you.  Good.  We're happy for you.  I also don't think you are jealous of us who are still at Jones. 

Hey Kool-aid - I'm not sure if you were being serious or sarcastic, but a post like that is what gives them the cannon fodder to keep a post like this one going.   Miss Jones isn't blonde.  FYI.    
May 15, 2008 6:16 pm

Here is one for the newbies...all this talk of retiring boomers with bunches of money...met with a new prospect this AM...24years, same company...67k in 401k....did you get that...67k in her only retirement vehicle.....THIS should be an eye opener for what is to be for us young ones...taking care (through taxes) for the older BOOMERS...who didn't trust the big old bad corporation or the big bad stock market. 

May 15, 2008 6:28 pm

LOL…just turning the tides a bit!   As stupid as my post was (and it was just to prove a point), is as stupid as all the hater’s posts sound.  Spiff…after each post that I have read of yours, as well as the posts I have written, we have made a statement that we understand the imperfections of Jones and that there are some people that just will not fit with our culture and our way of doing business, and they bspears etc…keep on about how bad Ed Jones is and that everyone should want to be Indy!  Friendly, funny banter is fun and I enjoy it as much as the next guy, but some have been outright ridiculous and obviously just to get to us Jonesers.  I have gotten some great info on this thread, to be honest, Jones is all I know…but have learned on here that LPL and other indy firms are great for some people, who knows, in  a bunch of years it could be something I would consider (although I doubt it as my region is awesome and I feel they will do anything to help me succeed and I can’t wait to give back).  I really don’t mind posters pointing out the problems at Jones (i.e. lack of fee based etc), but the bashing and downplaying the accolades given to us by JD Power, Fortune, RR etc…does come off as jealousy whether true or not!

May 15, 2008 7:16 pm

Can anyone tell me if Worldcom or Enron was on the most admired or best to work for lists?

May 15, 2008 7:19 pm

Fortunately, unlike those companies, we are a partnership and do not have the stockholders to deal with, I believe Google has been on that list once or twice too!?

May 15, 2008 8:04 pm

Oh…thanks for your response…I’m glad you love Jones. Visit us in a couple of years and lets see what your tone will be…

May 15, 2008 8:12 pm


  I always smile when I read responses like yours, especially when you mention you can't wait to give back. One year I won the Willie Mac award (it was called something else, but essentially it was voted by the region  IR's who helped out or mentored, etc.). It made me feel really good (for about a second) until my wife leaned over to me and said "You did all that mentoring for free ,when you could have been home with the kids. "   She was right as usual. So I smile because I know how you feel because I walked in your shoes and I am hopeful that my experience can shed a different perspective. Management at Jones is and always will be the problem that can not be overcome, not the FA's. It is my experience that the Jones reps are some of the finest trained advisors (for their niche) in the industry. On the indy side, I see all kinds good, bad and very bad. I miss the trips and the back room at Jones. And I miss some of my friends, they tend not to call too much. So now you can tell your colleagues at least one indy isn't trying to paint EDJ as the bad firm that others might on this forum.   Since clairity is the word of the day. With out a doubt (to coin Doug Hill) I am thankful for my experiences at Jones, and even more thankful to be free of Jones and on my own for the last 18 months.
May 15, 2008 8:26 pm


Yes...I do love Jones. If some day I leave Jones, although I can't see why right now, i will certainly not bash them.  I will be appreciative of the training they gave me.    Foot I appreciate your honesty and your views on the subject.  At this point and time I do not have kids, and when I do, I guess that will definately cut into the time I have to give back..but so many in my region have done it for me (yes...for no pay, while they do cash in on their LP), some people truly just want to help and I am lucky enough to be in that type of region.  I am not naive, I am over 40 and have been in the world of high finance (on the lending side) for over 15 years and never have I worked with a group of people who are truly sincere in their desire to help.  Bspears, I'm sorry you didn't experience that with EJ, I have met several brokers at eval/grad etc..who are in regions where there is alot of backstabbing etc...and I suppose if I were in one of those regions I might be singing a different tune.  So Spears, telling me in a couple of years I will feel different is not a valid statement as you don't know my world/business/corporate experience and the research I did prior to Jones.  Part of choosing a place to hang your hat is understanding the shortfalls and being sure they are ones you can live with...I have found that here!  
May 15, 2008 9:07 pm

I may not know the world you came from, but I sure know the crazy place your at right now.  Drink it up…all of it…and really, again, you don’t know what you don’t know.  I was, as Foot was, in your shoes, spouting the jargon to anyone who would listen.  I drank the kool aid and at onetime I loved it too.  However, having owned businesses in the past, I could tell fairly quickly what side of the balance sheet I was on.  Maybe you like being on the expense side and running uphill every month.  I didn’t, and my family thanks me for it. If your so smart Kool aid, and did all this due diligence, tell us exactly what pros you found choosing Jones, compared to Merril, MS, SBarney, GSachs, JPMorgan. (I didn’t put Indy, because you don’t qualify, yet) I have a hard  time believing someone who says “I worked many years working in High Finance” and then go to a place like Jones.  You know they just got e-mail 18 months ago, right.

May 15, 2008 9:20 pm

I may not know the world you came from, but I sure know the crazy place your at right now.  Drink it up…all of it…and really, again, you don’t know what you don’t know.  I was, as Foot was, in your shoes, spouting the jargon to anyone who would listen.  I drank the kool aid and at onetime I loved it too.  However, having owned businesses in the past, I could tell fairly quickly what side of the balance sheet I was on.  Maybe you like being on the expense side and running uphill every month.  I didn’t, and my family thanks me for it. If your so smart Kool aid, and did all this due diligence, tell us exactly what pros you found choosing Jones, compared to Merril, MS, SBarney, GSachs, JPMorgan. (I didn’t put Indy, because you don’t qualify, yet) I have a hard  time believing someone who says “I worked many years working in High Finance” and then go to a place like Jones.  You know they just got e-mail 18 months ago, right.

  First off...I never said I was so smart...I did say I have corporate experience and know enough to do what is right for ME.  I am aware that they got email 18 months ago, fortunately I started 15 months ago and the email works just fine, what happened prior to my employment doesn't concern me.  I have no problem with our technology, as a matter of fact I think it is pretty good..and they continue to improve every day and it is obvious they are truly trying to make our jobs easier. Management is constantly looking for imput from those of us in the field and after lots of research always seem to make things better...i.e. we are almost paperless since we started scanning docs....soon we will be able to scan deposits eliminating the need for BOA's to go to the bank and I could go on.  What I liked better about Jones than the other firms you mentioned...well, I liked the idea of not being in an office with multiple brokers, I want to run my office how I like, I understand you don't think that this is the case, yes field supervision watches us closely, but I do feel that I have the final say in what I do here.  I also spoke to many brokers at many firms, including Jones and some of the ones you mentioned.  The overall happiness of the Jones Brokers really peaked my interest, while some of the other firms employees just seemed to me members of the "rat race"...every day since I have been here I can't wait to get out of bed to get to work...prospect in order to find people to help and make alot of money too!  No, i'm not worthy of being Indy yet...but I will be and unless things change drasitcally, I don't think I would ever make the move...but only time will tell! 
May 15, 2008 9:40 pm

Okay, so your office is next to Spiffys…I get it.

May 16, 2008 1:33 am
Hey Kool-Aid:

[quote=bspears]I may not know the world you came from, but I sure know the crazy place your at right now.  Drink it up…all of it…and really, again, you don’t know what you don’t know.  I was, as Foot was, in your shoes, spouting the jargon to anyone who would listen.  I drank the kool aid and at onetime I loved it too.  However, having owned businesses in the past, I could tell fairly quickly what side of the balance sheet I was on.  Maybe you like being on the expense side and running uphill every month.  I didn’t, and my family thanks me for it. If your so smart Kool aid, and did all this due diligence, tell us exactly what pros you found choosing Jones, compared to Merril, MS, SBarney, GSachs, JPMorgan. (I didn’t put Indy, because you don’t qualify, yet) I have a hard  time believing someone who says “I worked many years working in High Finance” and then go to a place like Jones.  You know they just got e-mail 18 months ago, right.

  First off...I never said I was so smart...I did say I have corporate experience and know enough to do what is right for ME.  I am aware that they got email 18 months ago, fortunately I started 15 months ago and the email works just fine, what happened prior to my employment doesn't concern me.  I have no problem with our technology, as a matter of fact I think it is pretty good..and they continue to improve every day and it is obvious they are truly trying to make our jobs easier. Management is constantly looking for imput from those of us in the field and after lots of research always seem to make things better...i.e. we are almost paperless since we started scanning docs....soon we will be able to scan deposits eliminating the need for BOA's to go to the bank and I could go on.  What I liked better about Jones than the other firms you mentioned...well, I liked the idea of not being in an office with multiple brokers, I want to run my office how I like, I understand you don't think that this is the case, yes field supervision watches us closely, but I do feel that I have the final say in what I do here.  I also spoke to many brokers at many firms, including Jones and some of the ones you mentioned.  The overall happiness of the Jones Brokers really peaked my interest, while some of the other firms employees just seemed to me members of the "rat race"...every day since I have been here I can't wait to get out of bed to get to work...prospect in order to find people to help and make alot of money too!  No, i'm not worthy of being Indy yet...but I will be and unless things change drasitcally, I don't think I would ever make the move...but only time will tell!  [/quote] Time will be such a good teacher to you, little one.......
May 16, 2008 1:38 am

LOL…see thats the kind of Idiotic statement i’m speaking of…Noggin has been Indy for a month and already you know it’s better…I’m probably older and much wiser than you.  You may still figure out in a year “little one” …that you were much better off at Jones.  At least Bspears has been Indy long enough to know what he wants…so just keep your stupid comments to yourself, there are many many Jones brokers who have been with the firm many years are seg 4&5 and are thrilled with there decision to stay and finish their career there.  What makes you the expert on knowing what is right for other people…you know about as much about being Indy as I do!

May 16, 2008 2:17 pm