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Nov 7, 2009 3:02 am
Bin Laden was in custody during the Clinton years but he was too occupied with getting his pole smoked. I can't blame him though considering the walrus he is married to.   As for the guy in Texas. He was probablty pissed he couldn't continue milking the military and never get deployed. He knew the chance of deployment when he signed up. I think it's a damn shame that strong brave soldiers lost their lives at the hands of this coward.
Nov 7, 2009 3:24 am

I have to chime in here.  This guy at Fort Hood was a coward and an insult to all those who have earned their commission as Officers.  This guy should have been killed and I don’t understand why they spent resources to keep him alive.  But this guy is a terrorist just as much as SGT John Russell who attacked his own earlier this year at Camp Liberty in Baghdad. 

Here’s a newsflash.  Everybody knows that I was in the Army (duh, my id gave that away).  I’m also an American Muslim myself.  I was born and raised here in the states and have plenty of other family members who served as well.  Colin Powell mentioned CPL Kareem Khan who was killed in combat in Iraq and there are over 10,000 American Muslims in the Armed forces.  Obviously some warning signs were missed with this guy but the talk of expelling Muslims from the military and the country is ridiculous.  I dare anyone to question my patriotism.  When my unit got involved in our first firefight, guess who was the first one to open up? When it came to interrogating people on the streets after my vehicle got hit with the second IED in as many weeks, who do you think roughed up these guys on the streets first? When I got my top secret clearance, it took longer than my colleagues and I completely understood that; nothing wrong with that.  I think there should be more background searches for Muslim soldiers when they first enlist just like there should be more background searches for all races to make sure we’re not helping to train gangmembers (crips, bloods, skinheads, etc.). 

This guy was sick, plain and simple.  This guy should die, plain and simple.  But please do not demonize all Muslims because there have been plenty of non-Muslims who kill “because God told them to” and there is no mention of Christian or Jewish terrorists. 

Nov 7, 2009 3:36 am

I’m so taken aback with this ass clown.  When we got ready for
deployment doing the same things the victims were doing, we were
nervous but we felt safe being that we were on our military post.  When
we got back from Iraq, we did the same things and felt such a sigh of
relief that no one was shooting at us anymore.  I can’t even imagine
how that would have felt while we were getting our updated
immunizations and records that some coward came in shooting. 
Unbelievable . . . I hope this guy dies in his hospital bed.  

Nov 7, 2009 4:00 am


[quote=Still@jones]Did you know that only 8% of voters in New York City voted for George Bush in 2004? (Even after NY hosted the RNC convention)

When Bush was “deer in the headlights” on 9/11, if he was really planning his counter-attack…Why wasn’t he on the phone?

I think most people who love the military, love Bush. When they were under Clinton, they didn’t get to kill anyone.

I think Obama is doing a great job.

It really pissed me off that Bush took so many vacation days.

I do not believe war will ever break the spirit of my enemy…because I believe no military force could ever break my spirit.

I believe people who have unwavering support for a single political party are the enemy of political progress. 

Shut up

Come on…the guy was holed up at his “ranch” for about 1/4 of his presidency…

Nov 7, 2009 12:27 pm

See, I can respect what Army has to say, although I will disagree with him. One of our finest soldiers was Muslim. A right bastard in a fight. He even saved my life once.

He also didn’t yell Alluah Akbar before the fight. He was killing for his country. He did his job, and did it well, and I still don’t know how much it tore him up to kill fellow Muslims. I, for one, have no problem slaughtering Catholics (especially the ones who prey on little kids).

I would argue, however, that John Russell was a terrorist as much as any other. And that his intent was to reduce the fighting effectiveness of the United States Army against a Muslim country. I feel it is the same with this ass clown.

Nov 7, 2009 12:42 pm

One other thing- pinning the Cole non response on Clinton. Due process was taking place. That is, an investigation, to get it right. By the time clinton left office the final report had not been written. There was only prelimiary evidence that Al-Qaeda was involved. Only after clinton left office was there enough evidence to retaliate. Of course clinton could have gone off half c***ed and attacked every arab country hoping one of them held the terrorist. Rightly so, he didn’t do that.

They knew where bin Laden was. This was before he was hiding.

bin Laden went in to hiding prior to 9/11. As for Bush having eight years to find him - You could put 500,000 troops in those mountains and all you would get would be a few killed soldiers who fell off the mountain.

Anybody who has been mountain climbing knows what I'm talking about - try doing that with 80 - 120 pounds of gear. Good luck.
Nov 7, 2009 12:45 pm

BG - you keep waiting for proof, I will keep my family safe by paying more attention to Muslims, red-haired Irishmen, Hispanic thugs, black thugs, white thugs, Catholic priests, pedophile-looking guys at the grocery store and men who start at my wife.

I will keep my knife sharp, and my wits about me.

I will kill anybody who tries to harm them. No due process. But a ton of justice.

Nov 7, 2009 1:23 pm

[quote=Moraen]…his intent was to reduce the fighting effectiveness of the United States Army…[/quote]

All good stuff Morean, however I have to disagree with this point for both Russell and the Fort Hood guy. I think they just went nutz…

Nov 7, 2009 2:26 pm

[quote=Moraen]See, I can respect what Army has to say, although I will
disagree with him. One of our finest soldiers was Muslim. A right
bastard in a fight. He even saved my life once.

He also didn’t yell Alluah Akbar before the fight. He was killing
for his country. He did his job, and did it well, and I still don’t
know how much it tore him up to kill fellow Muslims. I, for one, have
no problem slaughtering Catholics (especially the ones who prey on
little kids).

I would argue, however, that John Russell was a terrorist as much
as any other. And that his intent was to reduce the fighting
effectiveness of the United States Army against a Muslim country. I
feel it is the same with this ass clown.[/quote]

Moraen, my point was to say that John Russell was a terrorist as well
but that’s not what the MSM have labeled him as.  The VA Tech killer
was a terrorist as well but he wasn’t labeled that; he was labeled just
a mass murderer. 

And lastly, the Commanding General of Fort Hood has not confirmed the
reports of him yelling Allahu Akbar.  If the CG and the FBI confirm
that, then I’ll believe it.  I’m not saying that he didn’t say that but
unconfirmed reports don’t mean much to me.  For now, we know this guy
is a scumbag and a terrorist. 

Nov 7, 2009 2:29 pm


They knew where bin Laden was. This was before he was hiding.

bin Laden went in to hiding prior to 9/11. As for Bush having eight years to find him - You could put 500,000 troops in those mountains and all you would get would be a few killed soldiers who fell off the mountain.

Anybody who has been mountain climbing knows what I’m talking about - try doing that with 80 - 120 pounds of gear. Good luck.

  Finally, something we agree on! Well, partially.   First, the part we don't agree on- we didn't know where exactly bin laden was hiding.  Ok, we could have found him probably within a few days. i'll give you that. Still, we can't go off half c***ed as much as we'd all like to.   I agree searching Afghanistan and launching an attack from there -almost impossible. You've got it exactly right. of course 500,000 troops would be better than the 15,000 that bush committed in 01.   Still, think about this for a moment, Bush couldn't find Bin-Laden for eight years. You give him a pass because you correctly know the impossiblity of the geography. Yet, you don't give Clinton the same pass. Even though Clinton was faced with the same geographical conundrum as Bush with  higher odds of failure. Clinton didn't have the backing of Turkey or Pakastan. he couldn't overfly these countries, stage from them or count on their support. More importantly without outrage of 9/11 he didn't have the backing of the congress, senate or american people to use the full force of our armed forces to bring justice to Bin laden. hamstrung, you expected Clinton to do what Bush was free to do and couldn't.   I know- bin laden was not in hiding and vlinton missed his chance to get him. Not true- do some reading and you'll find that bin-laden had been hiding since the mid nineties.   Pinning bin-laden on clinton is more right wing crap. The right wing fear mongers know that many of their followers won't read beyond, what is it, oh yeah, three sentences. This gives them freedom to spin things anyway they like. Read and you'll find the truth about finding bin-laden and ridding the planet of him a much more difficult task than Fox news ever reported.    
Nov 7, 2009 2:45 pm

[quote=army13A] [quote=Moraen]See, I can respect what Army has to say, although I will

disagree with him. One of our finest soldiers was Muslim. A right

bastard in a fight. He even saved my life once.

He also didn’t yell Alluah Akbar before the fight. He was killing

for his country. He did his job, and did it well, and I still don’t

know how much it tore him up to kill fellow Muslims. I, for one, have

no problem slaughtering Catholics (especially the ones who prey on

little kids).

I would argue, however, that John Russell was a terrorist as much

as any other. And that his intent was to reduce the fighting

effectiveness of the United States Army against a Muslim country. I

feel it is the same with this ass clown.[/quote]

Moraen, my point was to say that John Russell was a terrorist as well

but that’s not what the MSM have labeled him as. The VA Tech killer

was a terrorist as well but he wasn’t labeled that; he was labeled just

a mass murderer.

And lastly, the Commanding General of Fort Hood has not confirmed the

reports of him yelling Allahu Akbar. If the CG and the FBI confirm

that, then I’ll believe it. I’m not saying that he didn’t say that but

unconfirmed reports don’t mean much to me. For now, we know this guy

is a scumbag and a terrorist.


Yep. My first post said I would reserve judgement until all of the facts were known. Right now, it just looks suspicious, and we should act accordingly. Was it part of a larger attack? Was it a lone crazy? What about Ft. Bragg, Ft. Drum, Ft. Carson? It doesn’t appear coordinated, but attacks keep gaining in sophistication.

BG - bin Laden was actually in Kabul up until May of 2001. The Taliban (a disgusting organization who treats women like crap) were buddies with him. Mullah Omar had a disagreement with bin Laden in May and that’s when he took to the mountains. Bush had five months to nab him (and should have - should have been a priority) but we were in the middle of a recession at the time.

BG - You are right, it can be spun many different ways. I know what others in the counterterrorism, Army intel people have told me as far as what has happened in the past.

Here’s another nugget that most people may not know about. The United flight that was taken over by Americans - plans showed that it was supposed to crash in to the inner ring of the Pentagon (not Capital HIll or the White House) in order to trap those inside.

That one was from THE top counterintelligence operative from 1997-2003 (notice I did not say top counterintelligence official).

The VT killer was a terrorist, and so was the guy in Chapel Hill who killed people with his car. The intent was to kill ROTC students in the latter case. A clear attack on our nation’s military. This incident appears so as well. Time will tell.

If I am wrong, I have no problem admitting and apologizing. But like I said, I reserved judgement. What pisses me off is that they had been watching the guy for six months (the FBI DID confirm that).

BG - one final thing since I was all over the place on this post. 500k troops is NOT better than 15k. And we had more than that at first. If you are combing the mountains with that many troops, it is disaster waiting to strike.

Personally, you should have battalions of 10th Mountain rotating through with SF teams (and SEALS I guess, possibly Combat Controllers to call in air strikes). Smaller teams have a much better chance.

You also have to consider, the more combat troops you send (artillery, armor, infantry), the more support you have to send.

Nov 7, 2009 3:43 pm

BG - you keep waiting for proof, I will keep my family safe by paying more attention to Muslims, red-haired Irishmen, Hispanic thugs, black thugs, white thugs, Catholic priests, pedophile-looking guys at the grocery store and men who start at my wife.

I will keep my knife sharp, and my wits about me.

I will kill anybody who tries to harm them. No due process. But a ton of justice.

Nov 7, 2009 6:28 pm

Here is something else about the love affair with Barack. He is in Washington instead of Texas right now. Why? There is no way you can deny that had this been Bush’s watch he would have been crucified. Why isn’t he visiting with the families? Not saying he should, but look at the double standard.

Nov 7, 2009 6:59 pm

[quote=Moraen] [quote=army13A] [quote=Moraen]See, I can respect what Army has to say, although I will

disagree with him. One of our finest soldiers was Muslim. A right

bastard in a fight. He even saved my life once.

He also didn’t yell Alluah Akbar before the fight. He was killing

for his country. He did his job, and did it well, and I still don’t

know how much it tore him up to kill fellow Muslims. I, for one, have

no problem slaughtering Catholics (especially the ones who prey on

little kids).

I would argue, however, that John Russell was a terrorist as much

as any other. And that his intent was to reduce the fighting

effectiveness of the United States Army against a Muslim country. I

feel it is the same with this ass clown.[/quote]

Moraen, my point was to say that John Russell was a terrorist as well

but that’s not what the MSM have labeled him as.  The VA Tech killer

was a terrorist as well but he wasn’t labeled that; he was labeled just

a mass murderer. 

And lastly, the Commanding General of Fort Hood has not confirmed the

reports of him yelling Allahu Akbar.  If the CG and the FBI confirm

that, then I’ll believe it.  I’m not saying that he didn’t say that but

unconfirmed reports don’t mean much to me.  For now, we know this guy

is a scumbag and a terrorist. 


Yep. My first post said I would reserve judgement until all of the facts were known. Right now, it just looks suspicious, and we should act accordingly. Was it part of a larger attack? Was it a lone crazy? What about Ft. Bragg, Ft. Drum, Ft. Carson? It doesn’t appear coordinated, but attacks keep gaining in sophistication.

BG - bin Laden was actually in Kabul up until May of 2001. The Taliban (a disgusting organization who treats women like crap) were buddies with him. Mullah Omar had a disagreement with bin Laden in May and that’s when he took to the mountains. Bush had five months to nab him (and should have - should have been a priority) but we were in the middle of a recession at the time.

BG - You are right, it can be spun many different ways. I know what others in the counterterrorism, Army intel people have told me as far as what has happened in the past.

Here’s another nugget that most people may not know about. The United flight that was taken over by Americans - plans showed that it was supposed to crash in to the inner ring of the Pentagon (not Capital HIll or the White House) in order to trap those inside.

That one was from THE top counterintelligence operative from 1997-2003 (notice I did not say top counterintelligence official).

The VT killer was a terrorist, and so was the guy in Chapel Hill who killed people with his car. The intent was to kill ROTC students in the latter case. A clear attack on our nation’s military. This incident appears so as well. Time will tell.

If I am wrong, I have no problem admitting and apologizing. But like I said, I reserved judgement. What pisses me off is that they had been watching the guy for six months (the FBI DID confirm that).[/quote]

That’s what pisses me off too.  The FBI was watching him and nothing happened? Also all of these former colleagues and classmates NOW coming out about his views and what not.  No one thought to throw up a serious red flag? That’s why some of it is hard to believe.  Take for example that retired COL that Fox interviewed.  He made some accusations about what this nutjob said.  “Strapping up and bombing Times Square? Raising up against the aggressors”? He heard there was an investigation but he retired and didn’t think of it anymore? Me personally, if I knew of an Officer who was talking that kind of stuff out in the open, I wouldn’t stop banging down the chain of command until there was some serious investigations.  Add on top of the fact that his background, I wouldn’t just “retire” and be like “oh well, they’ll deal with it”.  It doesn’t add up. 

Nov 7, 2009 7:11 pm

Fox, like MSNBC, has a clear history of only talking about things that reinforce their point of view.  That’s why I try to get my info from various sources (all news media, friends “in the know” and elsewhere).

Nov 8, 2009 1:37 pm

Moraen- on the troops. The point is the effort to get bin laden was half -assed. I remember the number as 15K, but even if it was 25k it doesn't matter. The outcome was the same- failure. What first rate army turns over the most important job to tribal leaders? That's what we did when we beleived we had Osama cornered. it was a joke! We couldn't committ more troops to Afghanistan because of the pending deployment to iraq and our leaders lack of success in lacing together a meaningful coalition. As I've said, getting Bin Laden was back burner.

Fox news? There really should be a law against these guys! Everything gets twisted to a right wing POV. I watched FOX for about an hour the other night to see what they were saying. I wanted to see if i had missed something and had this wrong. At first by the way they were reporting i thought "Holy sh*t, this guy is a terrorist!" They were on one story and one story only The terrorist attack at Fort Hood! Then I watch hannity. More of the same. Then Hannity was interupted for a live news conference from FT Hood. I flipped to CNN and they too were  carrying it. I then flipped back to the Fox feed. As Ft Hood's base commander issued a statement and then answered questions not once were the words terror, terrorism, or terrorist mentioned. Not by him or any questioners,. Tellingly, not even the Fox news' reporter brought it up. I breathed a sigh of relief, but was really angry at Fox news.   Why? because it's a load of crap and Fox knows it! It's Fox news" own little right wing  brain wash. They know this wasn't a terrorist attack. Yet, that won't stop them from telling anyone dumb enough to listen that it was. Apparently, and sadly, there are plenty of takers on that point.   On the other hand, had the base commander said any of those words, that there was good reason to believe this guy was a terrorist, then I would be the one who would apologize to the group.
Nov 8, 2009 1:55 pm


Moraen- on the troops. The point is the effort to get bin laden was half -assed. I remember the number as 15K, but even if it was 25k it doesn’t matter. The outcome was the same- failure. What first rate army turns over the most important job to tribal leaders? That’s what we did when we beleived we had Osama cornered. it was a joke! We couldn’t committ more troops to Afghanistan because of the pending deployment to iraq and our leaders lack of success in lacing together a meaningful coalition. As I’ve said, getting Bin Laden was back burner.

Fox news? There really should be a law against these guys! Everything gets twisted to a right wing POV. I watched FOX for about an hour the other night to see what they were saying. I wanted to see if i had missed something and had this wrong. At first by the way they were reporting i thought “Holy sh*t, this guy is a terrorist!” They were on one story and one story only The terrorist attack at Fort Hood! Then I watch hannity. More of the same. Then Hannity was interupted for a live news conference from FT Hood. I flipped to CNN and they too were carrying it. I then flipped back to the Fox feed. As Ft Hood’s base commander issued a statement and then answered questions not once were the words terror, terrorism, or terrorist mentioned. Not by him or any questioners,. Tellingly, not even the Fox news’ reporter brought it up. I breathed a sigh of relief, but was really angry at Fox news.

Why? because it’s a load of crap and Fox knows it! It’s Fox news" own little right wing brain wash. They know this wasn’t a terrorist attack. Yet, that won’t stop them from telling anyone dumb enough to listen that it was. Apparently, and sadly, there are plenty of takers on that point.

On the other hand, had the base commander said any of those words, that there was good reason to believe this guy was a terrorist, then I would be the one who would apologize to the group. [/quote]

BG - Have you ever watched MSNBC? They are Fox on the left. CNN is the closest to center, but even they lean a little left. Fox news will report on things CNN and MSNBC will not (ACORN, Thus, even though it is stomach-wrenching to watch most of their programs, they fill a void in news reporting, and so I do get news there that you wouldn’t get anywhere else. MSNBC also reports on things you won’t find anywhere else, and thus I reluctantly tune in to programs there (for the record I have watched Hannity, van Susteran and Beck, Rachel Maddow and Olbermann - only Beck holds a candle to the crap that Maddow and Olbermann spit out).

As for Afghanistan. Operation Anaconda was NOT given to tribal leaders. That was our best chance to nab bin Laden. Tough fighting for every unit. Probably THE toughest since Vietnam. We failed in that attempt. And it was a failure of intelligence, not direct action. Al Qaeda is great at misdirection.

I will make a comment about our intelligence. Nearly every intelligence brief we received before deploying was proven false. Why? No one knows what it is REALLY like.

Anyway. That was our best shot AFTER bin Laden left Kabul. He was there and in Syria forever. We had numerous opportunities to get him during the Clinton years. More than we had in the Bush 43 years. That is simple fact.

Clinton didn’t have to contend with bin Laden hiding in the mountains of Pakistan. Bush did.
Nov 8, 2009 8:33 pm

getting the truth without the spin is harder and harder. Fox way too right, MSNBC ridiculously left, Cnn left of center,but usually good with the facts before the spin machine starts. ABC OK, usually. I read a lot as well. But it's tough.

My understanding of Afhanistan/bin laden is this:   We were undermanned from the start. We had three objectives, find Osama Bin laden, free the country of the taliban, and bring democracy to the country. We failed on all counts. For a time the taliban was out of the pictuure, but they are back.   As for finding bin laden my understanding is we had him at Tora bora, is that the name? However, failure to committ U. S. troops to a search ended up becoming our biggest failure in his capture. He got away. If what you are saying is that he was never at Tora Bora, direct me, I'd like to read about that.   Lastly, Osama was in Afghanistan from the mid/late 90s going forward. Clinton issued a directive to the CIA in the late 90s, 98 or so, take him dead or alive. The CIA had him serveral times but couldn't get it done. I know we launched at least one cruise missle attack against him but he survived. We launched something like 60 cruise missles, so go figure! Another was cancelled after it was discovered during the countdown to launch that members of Saudi Royal family were with him at the same terrorist training camp. We tried to get him Sudan as well. So again, Clinton issued a death warrant, but our elite spy corps couldn't get it done. That's twisted by the right spin machine to : Clinton didn't do anything. That Clinton couldn't get him using  the best of the best is one reason I'm not all over bush for not getting him. Putting this bastard down is one tough mission!    
Nov 8, 2009 8:57 pm

I think some folks posting on this thread would benefit for doing a little reading on Alexander the Great and his time in Afghanistan. You’d also do yourself a favor to see how long the Marshall Plan took to implement. Eight years in a drop in the bucket in the well of history.  You have the benefit of hindsight with respect to battles yes … you are Generals in a forum.

Nov 9, 2009 1:10 am


My understanding of Afghanistan/bin laden is this:   We were undermanned from the start. We had three objectives, find Osama Bin laden, free the country of the Taliban, and bring democracy to the country. We failed on all counts. For a time the Taliban was out of the picture, but they are back.     [/quote]   1. Find Bin Laden   We found him but did not catch him. But we can call it a failure.   2. Free the country from the Taliban   Seriously? You must be on crack. We can't free the US from KKK, Black Panthers, Mafia, Bloods, Crypts, MS13 and on and on. You REALLY thought our objective was to free an entire country of the Taliban that controlled 90% of the country? Not a couple blocks, not a city, not even a remote territory but the entire country.   3. Bring Democracy to the country   In case you do not watch the news, Afganistan had an election and is going to have a re-election just to make sure everyone's voice is heard. I am sure it is not 100% corruption free but they are moving in the direction of democracy.     A tornando could not spin your comments any more. What kind of timeframe did you have on these objectives? I am curious what day of what month of what year did you decide was the day the US and our Armed Forces failed?