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Possible Presidential Pairings?

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Sep 16, 2008 3:29 pm

Great post, Morphius.I don’t know how more clearly the taxation issue could be framed than with this example.

  ...and yet, we want to pay the people at the bottom to drink.  The war in Iraq is a temporary issue.  Welfare and income redistribution seem to go on forever...
Sep 16, 2008 3:48 pm

I’m pro lower taxes if the damn Republicans would have stopped spending so much. Problem has been they lowered taxes, but spent like drunk monkeys at a Lehman bros Chrismas bash at Fuld penthouse.  You can’t have it both ways…prudent/conservative spending with a fair tax for all.  Flat tax would be a great thing, but we know the powers to be wouldn’t be able to slam the rich every 4 years.

Lets face it...your rich cause you want to be...and your poor because you want to be...
Sep 16, 2008 4:50 pm

Morph, this has been around for a long time. At least pre 2001. You should know Kamerschen denies writing it. We’ve used the predecessor to this piece, which has ten men eating dinner, as a seminar handout for almost ten years. We don’t attribute it as the author is unknown. Still it’s a good piece to get the point of how our progressive tax system works across. And for those who would use it, it’s a hit at the Rotary Club but a flop down at the Iron Workers union hall. We found that out the hard way. Go figure!

Sep 16, 2008 7:58 pm

Of course he denies writing it…I wrote it!  Or at least I’ll take credit if no one else wants to!

Sep 16, 2008 8:51 pm

Morph, this has been around for a long time. At least pre 2001. You should know Kamerschen denies writing it. We’ve used the predecessor to this piece, which has ten men eating dinner, as a seminar handout for almost ten years. We don’t attribute it as the author is unknown. Still it’s a good piece to get the point of how our progressive tax system works across. And for those who would use it, it’s a hit at the Rotary Club but a flop down at the Iron Workers union hall. We found that out the hard way. Go figure!

  Yeah, it's an oldie of unknown authorship for sure, but the classics are usually worth pulling out of cold storage and repeating.
Sep 17, 2008 5:14 am

[quote=bspears]I’m pro lower taxes if the damn Republicans would have stopped spending so much[/quote]

Check your facts here Spears, the Republicans have tried to reduce spending, it’s the Dems that want to "tax and spend"

As a side note I REALLY RESPECT BondGuy’s opinion but I cannot see how anyone that makes over $200k a year can vote for Obama…he has repeatedly said that he wants to take from the rich and give to the poor, how much more Socialist can you get?

Sep 18, 2008 3:52 pm

Today’s RCP average:

  McCain - 45.3% - Obama 47.0% - Obama +1.7%   We've swung back to where we were before we had the conventions.  America might actually be ready to elect an empty suit after all...
Sep 19, 2008 2:00 am

Dems: Tax & Spend and the Reps: Borrow & Spend…its the spending that needs to be controlled.

Obama ran for a year and a half on CHANGE and then he selects Biden, a life-long Washington politician. That’s not change, that’s the same Washington politics, only worse.

Sep 19, 2008 12:40 pm

[quote=skeedaddy2]Dems: Tax & Spend and the Reps: Borrow & Spend…its the spending that needs to be controlled.

Obama ran for a year and a half on CHANGE and then he selects Biden, a life-long Washington politician. That’s not change, that’s the same Washington politics, only worse. [/quote]

Here is another one.  Obama ratcheting up his “economic”, “lobbyist” and “Washington insiders” arguments against McCain.  Have a look at this Ad.  Look up Johnson and Raines,  their history and current roles on the Obama campaign.  Unbelievable.  Change we need?

Sep 19, 2008 9:20 pm

From the beginning McCain has pushed Obama's inexperience. What, with only 170 days in the Senate before launching his campaign? But, now according to McCain Obama in that short time period has managed to be responsible for the banking mess and Wall Street's failures. Hey, only in politics.

By the way, I can see the moon from my backyard, can i be an Astrophysicist?   Let's have a Caribo barbie answer watch. If anyone sees or hears Sarah answer a question post it here. Clarifications to straight forward questions about the Bush Doctrine don't count.
Sep 20, 2008 1:46 am

[quote=skeedaddy2]Dems: Tax & Spend and the Reps: Borrow & Spend…its the spending that needs to be controlled.

Obama ran for a year and a half on CHANGE and then he selects Biden, a life-long Washington politician. That’s not change, that’s the same Washington politics, only worse. [/quote]

Here is another one.  Obama ratcheting up his “economic”, “lobbyist” and “Washington insiders” arguments against McCain.  Have a look at this Ad.  Look up Johnson and Raines,  their history and current roles on the Obama campaign.  Unbelievable.  Change we need?

  If you wrote this story people would laugh at you. The "change" candidate with the paper thin resume, who has  advisors that are long time Washington insiders and who helped drive FNMA into the dirt (another who bombed the Pentagon, but that's another story)  and he selects the ultimate Senate lifer to be his running mate. If that's "change" I have a "money market alternative" I'd like to interest you in.
Sep 20, 2008 1:48 am


Let's have a Caribo barbie answer watch. If anyone sees or hears Sarah answer a question post it here. [/quote]  

Only if we can have an "Obama coherent answer without a teleprompter" or “Biden goes 30 minutes without a gaffe, stolen speech or plagiarized speech” watch as well.

Sep 20, 2008 1:49 am

I read an article today of Obama criticizing McCains comments on the Fed and Treasury.  Said we cannot give into fear.  IN THE NEXT SENTENCE, he said we don’t need 8 more years of the same.  Fear anyone? 

Sep 20, 2008 2:40 am


Let's have a Caribo barbie answer watch. If anyone sees or hears Sarah answer a question post it here. [/quote]  

Only if we can have an "Obama coherent answer without a teleprompter" or “Biden goes 30 minutes without a gaffe, stolen speech or plagiarized speech” watch as well.


How about a "Obama questionable / unsavory friends and associates come out of the woodwork watch"?

Charles Manson pen pal?  Plays golf with O.J.?   etc....Whats the big deal?  Not as bad as calling Frank Raines for some advice on the mortgage industry or putting Credit Card Industry Joe on the ticket. 
Sep 21, 2008 1:53 pm

Even though Pailin, the no nonsense, tight wad, won't waste your money veep candidate stopped the bridge to nowhere( yeah right), apparently the 25 million dollar access road to the bridge, known locally as the road to nowhere, got built. Locals say it will be handy for ATVers and hunters. Does anyone here know whether they wasted their own money or was it our they wasted? Oh yeah, getting back $1.84 for every dollar they send to DC they don't have any of their own money. Alaska- The ultimate welfare state. That can't sit well with the real republicans among you.

Even watching Palin friendly TV like Hannity and Combs, She doesn't answer questions. She's likable, but where's the beef? Best yet, at town meeting with McCain a questioner asked specifically what qualified her to be VP? She danced around the question with a non specific non answer for about a minute. Paraphrasing here she ended with "and if anyone wants to know specifically what qualifies me to be VP well then ask away, we can play stump the candidate." Ah, hmm, The questioner did ask specifcally what qualifies her. Yet no answer. But she had that winning smile and down home affect going for her.   The love affair is over folks. McCain dominates the debates or its over for him.   Lastly, many of you have criticized Obama for being an elitist. Which is right wing speak for being smart. This past week, not a bad week to have a smart leader, dontcha think?        
Sep 21, 2008 2:23 pm

Have you considered that the questions being posed to Palin may be above her pay grade?

Sep 21, 2008 2:36 pm

Have you considered that the questions being posed to Palin may be above her pay grade?

  Primo, I don't expect her to be able to answer questions beyond her knowledge. However, the qualification question asked was a softball question and she didn't answer it. She should know her own qualifications. So, tell us what they are.   On the ABC interview, also many non answer answers. But more glaring the gaff on the Bush Doctrine question. Now honestly, many people on the street wouldn't know what the Bush Doctrine is, but there is no excuse for someone running for the second highest office in the land to not to know. Most of the people on this site know what it is and have an opinion on it, which is all Gibson asked.
Sep 21, 2008 4:02 pm


  The love affair is over folks. McCain dominates the debates or its over for him.   [/quote]

BG-  A a little cocky, perhaps?  Obama has a good week without adding anything substantive to the debate of this week's events .  On the morning news shows, they're talking about how how both candidates are marginalized due to what cong. /treasury faced with in coming weeks.

That said, either cand. is not in a position that it is his election to lose.  Undecided are paying close attention and will still decide the election.  IMO-  The biggest question in their minds is where's the beef on Obama.  Your McCain dominates debates or its over analysis is a little out there. 

If you are hoping for a Obama win you should hope for a Obama to close the deal himself  with the undecided voters and voters that are skeptical.   This is something he had difficulty with against HRC in swing states.  They're not going to give him the benefit of the doubt without him really separating himself from MCCain.  He certainly has not done that to date and the cirumstances and timing may prove difficult for him. 
Sep 21, 2008 5:50 pm

Like it or not the republicans own this mess we find ourselves in. And to some extent that is unfair because there is plenty of blame to go around including the american people them selves. This mess has been building for over 20 years. Now we've hit the wall. How it plays on Wall Street is that better leadership from the Admin a year ago could have averted the collison with ground we got this past week. How it plays on Main Street is that the Republicans are in the white house and  they are to blame. For this week at least, all Obama had to do was show up. That's all he did and his numbers are up.

Sep 21, 2008 8:30 pm

I think it’s pretty interesting getting to hear what’s being said deep in the Democratic bunker.

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The current banking/mortgage crisis “belongs” to the GOP (don’t ask Barney Frank or Chris Dodd or any of Obama’s friends who made millions at Fannie Mae how that’s true), the supporters of the guy who votes “present” and dodges questions with paygrade comments thinks McCain’s VP doesn’t answer questions with sufficient detail and now the guy that’s been dodging town hall appearances with Mccain and is now reading his stump speeches from a teleprompter has it sown up unless McCain dominates the coming debates. I think people who believe that kind of stuff don’t read electoral college maps very often.

BTW, “elitist”  doesn’t mean “smart”, it means the kind of person who asks farmers if they know the price of arugala at the local Whole Foods and dismisses people in flyover country as “bitter” when he’s meeting with wealthy contributors behind closed doors.