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Should I continue with this $1m prospect?

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Sep 6, 2007 6:10 pm

"So what will it be, brother?  I give you her contact info with right of first refusal/surrender(I'm sure that won't happen), you fly in from wherever you are, apply the AIDA on her, and close the million dollar acct that generates $10K revenue, maybe even the extra cash at the bank.  Well worth the cost of the trip.

Are you up to it?

How about a little fire, Strawman?

Yeah, that's apples to apples. "Hi Ms Jones, you don't know me but I'm here, today only to drive you about town and take your million dollar acount from Schwab, which I'll be glad to advise you on from across the nation."

I like how she became crippled all of a sudden!

See YHWY? You didn't have the whole story. It'll come out in dribs and drabs as best suits the protection of blewit's ego. Now he only waited at the bank because she is "crippled". Forget that he should have closed before the bank even opened.

Sep 6, 2007 6:11 pm


[quote=Indyone]Blue, I think you did the right thing.  It's easy to play monday morning quarterback here, but I think you read this lady correctly (albeit belatedly) and I think you handled the break with decorum, despite what some would have you think.  Your biggest mistake was in how you started the relationship, but I assume you've learned something from that...[/quote]

I guess we're to assume that your response would be better at your advertised site.


You'll never know

Sep 6, 2007 6:12 pm

Is that a no?


"So what will it be, brother?  I give you her contact info with right of first refusal/surrender(I'm sure that won't happen), you fly in from wherever you are, apply the AIDA on her, and close the million dollar acct that generates $10K revenue, maybe even the extra cash at the bank.  Well worth the cost of the trip.

Are you up to it?

How about a little fire, Strawman?

Yeah, that's apples to apples. "Hi Ms Jones, you don't know me but I'm here, today only to drive you about town and take your million dollar acount from Schwab, which I'll be glad to advise you on from across the nation."

I like how she became crippled all of a sudden!

See YHWY? You didn't have the whole story. It'll come out in dribs and drabs as best suits the protection of blewit's ego. Now he only waited at the bank because she is "crippled". Forget that he should have closed before the bank even opened.

Sep 6, 2007 6:19 pm

I see, whomit. You read bluestar's story, surmised that it was at least in part untrue, accurately calculated what the untruths were and factored them into your advice, making your advice absolutey unassailable.

 Conversely, I took bluestar at his word, identified a non-qualified prospect as such and shared that oppinion with bluestar. Which assessment seems more reasonalbe?

 Ever hear of "Achem's Razor"?

 Have you met Putsy? I honestly think there's a potential brotherhood to be forged there.

Sep 6, 2007 6:27 pm


Justify all you want. The fact is you let your ego get in the way of your sales responsibility to yourself and your firm. [/quote]

I didn't know we had a responsibility to ourselves and our firms to bring in clients we didn't see as a good fit. That's news.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Bad fits and "screw loose" clients are the ones that end up badly. Perhaps in arbitration, perhaps in that “life force killing” way, but either way, you’ll pay.

Given what we’ve been told of this woman (50 minutes in a bank parking lot? I would have left her there) she’s not good client material, regardless of the possible account size. Could he have closed her? Perhaps, but that would just be the beginning of the problems. This much I can tell you, not closing her, from what I gather of the situation, wasn’t due to “ego”.

Sep 6, 2007 6:44 pm


All I can say is, I feel comfortable with the way I handle it.  [/quote]

Of course you do, doesn't mean it's right. You protected yourself from rejection, that's comfy like a warm blankie and a kiss from mommy.

[quote=bluestar]I always give a prospect at leat[sic] one meeting's chance, [/quote]

Really? WOW! You actually give a prospect a whole one chance to do business with you? Man, you're awfully good to people!

[quote=bluestar]even if clients request to go to meet them.  As I said previously, even the help-me-with-whatever behavior is not new to me, because I have existing clients of about same acct size who ask me for help outside investments and I do help them.  I wanted to see if this is one of those, or a freeloader altogether.[/quote]

Left in so that I don't get accused of taking anything out of context.

[quote=bluestar] Ialready had doubt about this lead after the first meeting, which is why I ask folks here for 2nd opinions.  The 2nd meeting pretty much went as I outlined in my earlier post.  I'm glad I went for the 2nd meeting and confirmed it; otherwise the guessing will kill me!![/quote]

2nd opinions, 2nd meeting and 2nd guessing you mean. Botom line, a fish showed itself, you didn't have the lures in your tackle box to land it. That's what happened here. Then, instead of going back to the bait shop and trying again, you whizzed in the water and killed the fish (along with you don't know how many others).


Yes I could've kept the bridge in tact.  On the flipside I could've left her crippled ass at the bank to find her way home. [/quote] You shouldn't have driven her to the bank without a clear understanding of what was going to happen when she came out of the bank, and going for more coffee wasn't what it should have been.

[quote=bluestar] Ultimately I decided to still offer her a ride home, but let her know we know what she's up to. [/quote]

"We"? "We knowwhat she's up to"? Who is this WE? We as in the people on the internet and you? We as in Brokers in general? What are you, too afraid to take full responsibility for your decision? If you were man enough then you would have said "I know what she was up to!" (personal responsibility, even in Frisco you gotta take it!) 

And let's not forget that the ride home was your humiliation of her and your "retaliation". Big strong man, humiliating a crippled up old widow woman!

[quote=bluestar]Hopefully she refrain from piling on the extra salmon the next time.[/quote]

I guess you taught her! 

You should prolly find a different line of work.

But now I'm just beating on you for the fun of it. So I'll stop.

Sep 6, 2007 6:55 pm

How about a little fire, Strawman?


"Hi Ms Jones, you don't know me but I'm here, today only to drive you about town and take your million dollar acount from Schwab.." It was Fidelity.


As to my balls: Chin. 


Sep 6, 2007 7:21 pm


Anyone interested in taking a shot at this lead can email me at [email protected].  But I'm gonna keep my right-of-first-refusal offer to Whomitmayconcer on the table for 24 hours. 

Com'on bro, instead of telling us how good you are, why not just do it and in the process get a million dollar acct?

Sep 6, 2007 7:23 pm


I see, whomit. You read bluestar's story, surmised that it was at least in part untrue, accurately calculated what the untruths were and factored them into your advice, making your advice absolutey unassailable. [/quote]

Unassailable? You haven't even touched on the advice, you're too busy attacking me to "assail" the advice.

Meanwhile, you're strawmanning. I said that the veracity of his post was immaterial. Let's say the entire episode is made up. Every single lettter is a fictional novelette. It doesn't matter. The fact remains that Blewit's actions were dumb. They were the actions of someone with very little sales experience. All I'm trying to do is to get through to him that there is more to sales than presentations and you can't expect every prospect to have gone to client school.

The beauty of this business is sales. Now, in the inifinte wisdom of the firms, they have created an environment where they don't need Salesmen, they just need salesclerks, order takers, waiters "Would you like growth with a side of international exposure? That's what our Economist's special is? Very good sir."

[quote=YHWY] Conversely, I took bluestar at his word, identified a non-qualified prospect as such and shared that oppinion with bluestar. Which assessment seems more reasonalbe?[/quote]

Again, his word is not at issue. I took him at his word that he effed up royaly in this meeting and then rejected the client before the client could reject him. He punked out.

[quote=YHWY] Ever hear of "Achem's Razor"? [/quote]

No, I've never hear of "Achem's Razor" is it anything like Occam's Razor?

This is often paraphrased as "All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the right one," or alternately, "we should not assert that for which we do not have some proof." In other words, when multiple competing theories are equal in other respects, the principle recommends selecting the theory that introduces the fewest assumptions and postulates the fewest entities (although this is not always the same as simplicity[1]). It is in this sense that Occam's razor is usually understood.

Originally a tenet of the reductionist philosophy of nominalism, it is more often taken today as a heuristic maxim that advises economy, parsimony, or simplicity in scientific theories.

I don't see how it applies given that you are making a supposition that the woman is an unqualified prospect without knowing lots of things (not least of which being Blewit's sales ability).

Meanwhile, I make no assumptions about the woman or her worthiness as a prospect or a client and comment on the one thing that we did have information on; and that was blewit's actions.

Based on Occam's Razor, my position is more valuable in that it makes less assumptions.

Of course Achem might be something different. What movie did you see that taught it to you?

Sep 6, 2007 7:28 pm

Whomit, From

"Achem’s razor to the most simple solution, one which requires the least free
parameters. Our current concept is the following: When an SSC is born, ..."

 But I will give you your also used, alternate spelling. See, it only took me a second to double check the spelling. It took you almost an hour to learn the definition.

 I leave it up to our esteemed colleagues to determine whose position holds water. Good luck with that!

Sep 6, 2007 7:50 pm


Whomit, From

"Achem’s razor to the most simple solution, one which requires the least free
parameters. Our current concept is the following: When an SSC is born, ..."

 But I will give you your also used, alternate spelling. See, it only took me a second to double check the spelling. It took you almost an hour to learn the definition.

 I leave it up to our esteemed colleagues to determine whose position holds water. Good luck with that!


I don't see your spelling there even once.... Even though I searched Achem's Razor specifically.

And I've been aware of Occam's Razor for quite some time now, longer than you've known AIDA for sure.

" I leave it up to our esteemed colleagues to determine whose position holds water. Good luck with that!"

Right and wrong are not a popularity contest YHMY. The facts remain.

Sep 6, 2007 7:53 pm

The facts remain.

 Of which you have NONE. Only made-up scenarios. I took bluestars story as fact. (if it's not, this is just masterbation - which would explain your proficiency)

When you come to work for me (not you, mikebutler222 you ) you have a responsibility to me to be the best salesman that you can be. I expect that you will give me 100%

That reminds me, you're the guy who runs an "indy" office who cons brokers to come to your firm as "indy's'" but pays them like wire house employees while pocketing the difference. I shall now refer to you as "Pimp".

Sep 6, 2007 7:59 pm

BTW from Reference .com Which I guess is the new name for Dictionary .com (been in my favorite file since Hector was a pup)

 There are no dictionary entries for achems razor, but razor is spelled correctly.

So I guess you lied.

Sep 6, 2007 8:03 pm

Here's the whole page for ya:

Web Results for: achem's razor

Results 1-10 Next »

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Did you mean achems razor?

Groklaw’s non-connection to IBM « Floating Point
If I follow Achem’s razor though, I think you really just have a grudge because
you were publicly ridiculed. Rather than focus on PJ, your best revenge ... Demand-Side Q&A
Achem’s Razor. Favorite Location or Recreational Area in Georgia: Red Top Mountain.
Favorite Hobby: Golf, softball, reading, and spectator sports ... introduction
Achem’s razor in its simplest form, they simply put magnets around the interior
of the capsule and, voila`…solution to the problem ... PR News Online — Marketing and PR: Everything I Ever Needed to ...
Achem’s Razor: All things being equal, sometimes the most obvious is the right
choice. Stop over thinking and DO SOMETHING. ... -----Original Message----- From: Jeffrey Birchak [mailto:jbirchak ...
Restating Achem’s Razor, one should usually eliminate as many variables as
possible, which usually. results in the simplest alternative being chosen. ... Probing the birth of super star clusters: Implications for massive ...
Achem’s razor to the most simple solution, one which requires the least free
parameters. Our current concept is the following: When an SSC is born, ... - Gorgeous George
'just · 007 · :just · a · abortion · absence · accident · Accounts · Achem’s Razor·
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Pursuing this Achem’s razor approach has motivated the introduction of masking
models, nonlinear summation models, and has allowed us to extend these simple ... Foreign Affairs – Prof
Argument implies that political question doctrine is superfluous, should fall to
Achem’s Razor. Young: Made in the U.S.A. is bad law; the Court has to ...

Paranormal News -- Your Source for UFO and Paranormal Related ...
(I believe I recall this from college philosophy, many years ago, as Achem’s
Razor.)Jumping to the irrational conclusions immediately can only open one up ...

Sep 6, 2007 8:09 pm


The facts remain.

 Of which you have NONE. Only made-up scenarios. I took bluestars story as fact. (if it's not, this is just masterbation - which would explain your proficiency)

When you come to work for me (not you, mikebutler222 you ) you have a responsibility to me to be the best salesman that you can be. I expect that you will give me 100%

That reminds me, you're the guy who runs an "indy" office who cons brokers to come to your firm as "indy's'" but pays them like wire house employees while pocketing the difference. I shall now refer to you as "Pimp".


First off, you might want to remember that there's always a U in masturbation, mental or otherwise.

Secondly, there are facts. The first FACT is that I commented on sales technique. The comments are independent of the veracity of the story they are related to the content as displayed.

The second fact is that your position took more suppositions to arrive at your conclusion (even if it's just one, it's more than zero).

Thirdly, your characterization of my business is erroneous in that I don't "con" anybody, I don't pay at wirehouse rates, everybody who works here has payouts dramatically higher than they would get at a wire house. Lastly, you got a problem with capitalism? Making money off the labors of others is what made this country great, you pinkoe commie queen!

Sep 6, 2007 8:11 pm

I have no problem with capitalism or prostitution. I do, however call Pimps Pimps.

Sep 6, 2007 8:15 pm


Oh, and Pimp,

 I brought up "Achem's Razor" because I understood that it pertained directly to your position. You look (and are) foolish to argue that you understand the concept better, when it was my addition to the discussion.

 P.S.: I cited as my source. Your reading comprehension needs work.


Let's see, you misspell it and misutilize the word and I'm foolish for saying that I understand it better than you do? Because you said it first?

That's embarassing YHWY. You should go home now.

Sep 6, 2007 8:17 pm

[quote=YHWY]I have no problem with capitalism or prostitution. I do, however call Pimps Pimps.[/quote]

You got beat man, just admit it and go home.

Sep 6, 2007 8:18 pm

Secondly, there are facts. The first FACT is that I commented on sales technique. The comments are independent of the veracity of the story they are related to the content as displayed.

Pimp, Fair enough. You are a master of sales technique. On that topic, bluestar has specifically offered to give you this million dollar prospect (fish who's shown herself) as a referal. Are you man enough to take it? (I got that from an early 18th century business text, not Glenngary Glen Ross.)

 It's a yes or no question.

Sep 6, 2007 8:20 pm

You got beat man, just admit it and go home.

 Does that work with your employees? Because declaring victory from your back is funny here.