Greetings to all
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I hope everyone had a nice holiday.
[quote=Chuck]don’t drop the soap[/quote]
That is funny. And Bernie deserves nothing less than to be Bubbas Bitch for the rest of his life.
[quote=B. Madoff] I hope everyone had a nice holiday.
Mine was nice, thank you. Just me and a few girlfriends hanging out at the Mayfair.
Ya know Bernie…I woulda caught you if I hadn’t become …distracted.
[quote=Chuck]don’t drop the soap[/quote]
That is funny. And Bernie deserves nothing less than to be Bubbas Bitch for the rest of his life.
THis seams to be a recurring theme with you, joe.
Bernie, you owe me. I kept the SEC distracted with these index annuities, that never lose money, while you were robbing your clients.
OWNED!!!![quote=Sportsfreakbob] [quote=Chuck]don’t drop the soap[/quote]
That is funny. And Bernie deserves nothing less than to be Bubbas Bitch for the rest of his life.
THis seams to be a recurring theme with you, joe.
OWNED!!!![/quote][quote=Hank Moody] [quote=Sportsfreakbob] [quote=Chuck]don’t drop the soap[/quote]
That is funny. And Bernie deserves nothing less than to be Bubbas Bitch for the rest of his life.
THis seams to be a recurring theme with you, joe.
Let's face it, index annuities are definitely crap. There is no reason to take no market risk and eliminate the downside while capturing a piece of the upside. Total crap strategy.Bernie, you owe me. I kept the SEC distracted with these index annuities, that never lose money, while you were robbing your clients.
Let's face it, index annuities are definitely crap. There is no reason to take no market risk and eliminate the downside while capturing a piece of the upside. Total crap strategy.[/quote][quote=Hank Moody]Bernie, you owe me. I kept the SEC distracted with these index annuities, that never lose money, while you were robbing your clients.
Risk free is terrible, not to mention the high fees.
[quote=B. Madoff]Fellas, judge says I can go home. Yippee!
Only temporally…This will be your new home
Enjoy the rest of your natural life behind bars
From one of my fan letters:
“Not since Julius Rosenberg spied for the Soviet Union has one person so damaged the image and the self-respect of American Jews. I am not comfortable with the fact that so many of the articles about you specifically identify your prominent place in the Jewish community. Ken Lay of Enron shame was never identified as a “prominent Protestant energy broker.” The most aggressive accusers of the governor of Illinois seldom describe him as “the prominent Serbian-American governor of Illinois.”
Yes, it is unfair that your Jewishness has become part of the storyline. But you just reminded the bigots who grew up playing The Jew Game that it still strikes a familiar chord. You wiped out Joe Lieberman’s accomplishments. You revived ancient bigotry against our people.
You gave credence to the horrid accusations about Jews being untrustworthy and greedy. One offensive paper has a column called “Jews in the News,” which focuses on some Jewish criminal or other to remind their sickening readers of the legitimacy of anti-Semitism. You are not just one of the “Jews in the news” they seek. You are the apotheosis of their hate-filled world. You have given the Jew-haters material for a decade of hate gardening. You single-handedly revived the Jew game. This is what you have done.
Shame on you Bernie Madoff. Shame on you.”
For those of you with any sense of humor left, I’ll spend the next 2-3 years, sitting here in my co-op on 64th. So I’ll be updating this blog every day with my thoughts. Maybe I’ll include hints about where I’ve parked some cash, opinions about all of those that I’ve worked with, some investing advice, and I’ll provide reviews about our favorite restaurants, great books, online sites, and movies that I’m downloading.
Hello Bernie,
I admit to finding your site very funny. i have found another site that seems to be keeping up to date on your actions ponzi schemes and changes ot the biz on the basis of the scandal. it is here it seems to give you credit for the scam of the century cheers and keep up the good "work"