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What do you think of the asset class lately??
Maybe it will. But I live by the adage that bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.
[quote=remotecontrol] I love gold. I have a solid gold Rolex that I wear every day. [/quote]
I guess that rules you out as a Jones broker.
Yeah. I knew where to get those from the Philippines. Three for $25, if memory serves.
[quote=Guest1]You might be right Starka. I wear a Patek. A Rolex is just jewlery.[/quote]
I agree. I used to have a stainless Nautilus. Great watch, even though it was a bottom rung Patek. In TX, we call the Rolex a "Texas Timex."
The average millionare spends lass than $80 on his or her watch.
Solid gold Rolex? I love watches and I love Rolex, but solid
Gold? I don’t think so.
We all have our spots to waste money. Mine is in my boat
motors. I will spend $500 on a crome nut in the back that is not
visible. Its kind of a strange addiction.
[quote=rightway]The average millionare spends lass than $80 on his or her watch. Solid gold Rolex? I love watches and I love Rolex, but solid Gold? I don't think so.
We all have our spots to waste money. Mine is in my boat motors. I will spend $500 on a crome nut in the back that is not visible. Its kind of a strange addiction.
You got me there...the crystal is not gold, nor is the black onyx dial or the movement.
With “I don’t think so” I meant taste, not content. I own a
Yachtmaster and a Submariner but I think the all gold bands and bodies
are too gaudy. Your choice though. I am sure you would not
buy a more expensive oil dipstick for you car motor, but I do. We
all have our weaknesses, I just don’t wear my mine on my sleeve…err
my wrist.
[quote=rightway]With "I don't think so" I meant taste, not content. I own a Yachtmaster and a Submariner but I think the all gold bands and bodies are too gaudy. Your choice though. I am sure you would not buy a more expensive oil dipstick for you car motor, but I do. We all have our weaknesses, I just don't wear my mine on my sleeve...err my wrist. [/quote]
When you talk like a teenager, it doesn't come across very well on the internet.
I have a $30 swatch. best watch I ever had. Owned a real two toned Rolex. After a year or so the novelty wore off and I sold it. Too much money for a watch. There is a great deal of neglected children in this world. To put so much money into a watch really says something about a person. I didn’t like what is said about me.