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Election Winner?

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Nov 5, 2008 3:20 am

On the bright side, maybe we can now get Cuban cigars in our country legally…

Nov 5, 2008 4:06 am

That was the quickest election I’ve ever seen.

Nov 5, 2008 4:10 am

For the first time in my life, I’m ashamed of my country…just thought I’d throw that in for Michelle.

Nov 5, 2008 4:31 am

Despite what I feel is a very wrong choice for many reasons, the sun will rise in the morning.  The people have spoken and now it’s up to us to make the best of the situation.  If/when things go askew as I suspect they inevitably will, I’ll at least have the satisfaction of feeling that I ignored the siren song of the press and voted for the what I believe are the best interests of this country.

Nov 5, 2008 4:35 am

Despite what I feel is a very wrong choice for many reasons, the sun will rise in the morning.  The people have spoken and now it’s up to us to make the best of the situation.  If/when things go askew as I suspect they inevitably will, I’ll at least have the satisfaction of feeling that I ignored the siren song of the press and voted for the what I believe are the best interests of this country.

  Yup, we'll move on.  It's what we do.
Nov 5, 2008 4:37 am

LMAO @ these posts.

Still, I am curious to see what the market does in the morning. I'm dying to see Egg in the face of Roth and Put who continued to spew BS markets reacting negatively in light of a "socialist regime" that just handed the GOP their ass.    Life is good.
Nov 5, 2008 4:42 am

Yes, but this country was strong enough to survive Jimmy Carter

And G.W.B. Oh wait...I forgot, we put blame on today's circumstances on Clinton. My bad
Nov 5, 2008 5:14 am


LMAO @ these posts.

Still, I am curious to see what the market does in the morning. I'm dying to see Egg in the face of Roth and Put who continued to spew BS markets reacting negatively in light of a "socialist regime" that just handed the GOP their ass.    Life is good.[/quote]   Wow, you really have no clue do you?  Please, read some history books. Start with the founding fathers, especially Hamilton.  Obama is so far removed from that, it's sad.   He's the one who flim-flammed AND bamboozled a little over half the country.
Nov 5, 2008 5:35 am

Seriously? You're comparing modern day politics to circumstances surrounding our founding fathers? You think Obama will seriously take this country into embarrassing directions that our country has taken since Hamilton (slavery, nixon, premeptive strikes?)

Yeah, such a bad person that one is. I wish the guy who used religion to mask preemptive war strikes could vote for term three.  BTW I wonder, did Hamilton have problems spelling and putting together cohesive sentences? (Of course we know the answer to that)

k thx bye.

BTW, why is it you loonies always dismiss the compliments McCain and the GOP extend to Obama? Are you so dumb to vote for a man wo hasn't the balls to speak out and call out Obama like you geniuses can behind a monitor?
Nov 5, 2008 6:49 am


LMAO @ these posts.

Still, I am curious to see what the market does in the morning. I'm dying to see Egg in the face of Roth and Put who continued to spew BS markets reacting negatively in light of a "socialist regime" that just handed the GOP their ass.    Life is good.[/quote]

lmao @ your naivete.

Clearly you have no understanding of basic economics.  Have you considered becoming a school teacher?  A Teamster?  They should thrive under the Obama/Pelosi/Reed socialist regime. 
Nov 5, 2008 6:51 am

[quote=hymanroth]Yes, but this country was strong enough to survive Jimmy Carter

And G.W.B. Oh wait...I forgot, we put blame on today's circumstances on Clinton. My bad[/quote]

Indeed I do.

Too bad your mind is too small to grasp that sometimes economic and legal changes take a while to take effect.

Never mind the reprehnsible moral tone that Bill set for this country.  Don't worry if you feel confused by that statement....I don't expect you to understand it.
Nov 5, 2008 9:03 am

The “CHANGE” is finally here

Nov 5, 2008 1:04 pm

Well, here we go again…four years of no one in the Oval Office.

Nov 5, 2008 3:16 pm

[quote=HymanRoth] [quote=anabuhabkuss]

LMAO @ these posts.

Still, I am curious to see what the market does in the morning. I'm dying to see Egg in the face of Roth and Put who continued to spew BS markets reacting negatively in light of a "socialist regime" that just handed the GOP their ass.    Life is good.[/quote]

lmao @ your naivete.

Clearly you have no understanding of basic economics.  Have you considered becoming a school teacher?  A Teamster?  They should thrive under the Obama/Pelosi/Reed socialist regime. 
[/quote]   Yeah, I think college professor at one of our "elite" schools would be a perfect fit for him. Sit in an ivory tower, pontificate, write garbage, and try to hit on 19 year olds.   Please read some history books. Without Hamilton, this country wouldn't be half of what it is today!  I think that with Obama, this country WILL be half of what it is today.
Nov 5, 2008 3:41 pm

[quote=anabuhabkuss]You think Obama will seriously take this country into embarrassing directions that our country has taken since Hamilton (slavery, nixon, premeptive strikes?) [/quote]
If you are embarrassed about the “directions this country has taken since Hamilton,” why did you come to this embarrassing country?  Surely there were countless other countries that would have been far less embarrassing for you?

Why subject yourself to the humiliation of living in the US?

[quote=anabuhabkuss]I wish the guy who used religion to mask preemptive war strikes could vote for term three. [/quote]
If you are trying to imply that W "used religion to mask preemptive war strikes" cite one credible and verifiable source to support your claim.  Just one.

(Hint: Reverend Jeremiah Wright would not be considered a credible and reliable source of information.)
Nov 5, 2008 4:00 pm


Seriously? You're comparing modern day politics to circumstances surrounding our founding fathers? You think Obama will seriously take this country into embarrassing directions that our country has taken since Hamilton (slavery, nixon, premeptive strikes?)

Yeah, such a bad person that one is. I wish the guy who used religion to mask preemptive war strikes could vote for term three.  BTW I wonder, did Hamilton have problems spelling and putting together cohesive sentences? (Of course we know the answer to that)

k thx bye.

BTW, why is it you loonies always dismiss the compliments McCain and the GOP extend to Obama? Are you so dumb to vote for a man wo hasn't the balls to speak out and call out Obama like you geniuses can behind a monitor?[/quote]   As long as he doesn't take it into the direction of FDR, we'll be OK.  Let's hope he can keep his pants on better than Clinton.  Let's hope he doesn't have his finger on that red nuke button like Kennedy.  I wonder if he's ever read anything about Reagan?      I wonder if Obama will continue to have memory problems like he has shown over the last few months.  Not remembering that Ayers is a terrorist.  Not remembering rev. Wright (I left the caps off on purpose) is a black supremicist, not remembering all the other questionable relationships and decisions he's made in his very short political life.  The man voted FOR partial birth abortion.  Do you people understand what that is?  He didn't vote on much while he was a senator, but when he did it was so far left that it makes my stomach hurt.    Is he going to be a strong dollar president?  How is he going to handle foreign affairs?  What about this "testing" event that Biden promised?  Is he going to pull troops out of Iraq, thus creating a vacuum that will immediately be filled by the terrorist organizations that are lying in wait as we speak?  Does he really have a grasp on the economy?      Oh yeah, BTW, our country didn't create slavery.  And how many more terrorist attacks do you think we might have had if we hadn't struck back at someone right after 9/11?  I'll bet the answer wouldn't have been ZERO.  How many do you think we'll have in the next 4-8 years? 
Nov 5, 2008 4:13 pm


 I wish the guy who used religion to mask preemptive war strikes could vote for term three.

[/quote]   Wow, amazing. If your firm has a surprise drug test policy it sounds like your career is at risk.
Nov 5, 2008 5:44 pm

lol @ the whiners and their courage to attack from behind a monitor.

  The country owes you so much. I'm happy and love this country no matter the faults and hardships we have faced both as a result of our own doing and others'. When Bush won twice, I didn't cry and whine and belittle people on a f'n message board ( so the answer your stupid question Morphius, none of your f'n business). does that make me a betetr American? Hell no. It's a choice I made. If you don't like it, do what it takes to stop this senseless and uncontructive posting.    If you want to be unpatriotic bigots who whine and can not take responsibility for your own actions and happiness, maybe you should pack up and leave. My choices for coming to this country (of which I was born a US citizen) and how I live my life are a matter of privacy and, yet, I concede I can not stop you from trying to pat your broken egos by bashing me.   I challenge any of you to speak out about what effort you put forth to further your candidate's chances of winning the white house outside of a vote, $25 and BSing on a message board. How hard did you work for it? What responsibility did you take when you weren't brown nosing the puts of the online message board world?   If you did your part, as IndyOne said, and feel comforted in knowing you did, I'm sure you wouldn't be posting the trite that is filling this thread. That's the job of lazy whiners.   We had two great men running for the highest position on our soil, a situation any country would love to be in. John McCain is a great guy. Obama is a great guy. They have different views but in the end they both tuthfully, I believe, want what is best for this nation.   Greyhairedbroker said it best and has typed out the smartest post I've seen here in the past two weeks. Morphius, this also addressed your ignorant question:  

I want Obama to find success, even where I strongly disagree with him, because I want <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><?: PREFIX = ST1 />America to be successful.

<?: PREFIX = O />

Nov 5, 2008 6:02 pm

What we witnessed yesterday was the violent death of the Repubican Party. They had, more, or less, been painting themselves into a corner for some time now. From here,  they will eat their own for a time as the death throws continue. What will hopefully emerge is a true conservative party. To move forward they have to quit being the party of angry white men and make peace with a nation that is multi-cultural, and diverse in lifestyles and values. They need to stop alienating anyone with a college degree who is also cosmopolitan with the elitist title. They have to stop being the enemy of enviromental protection and face up to climate change. If it does that and cultivates a truly conservative ideology, instead of a divisive one, they will come back. Failing that they are a dead sect, regardless of how badly Obama screws up. Obama’s election wasn’t a win, it was a mandate. If the republican party fails to get that message, there is no future for them. Mccain said it best “The people have spoken.” Yes they have. Now the real work for the republican party begins.

  And just to for fun- Sarah is still hot!
Nov 5, 2008 7:04 pm

lol @ the whiners and their courage to attack from behind a monitor.

I see.  Now it is an "attack" to ask if you can back up your ridiculous claim that W "used religion to mask preemptive war strikes"?   Where I come from freedom of speech still exists.  You have the freedom to spout absurd and baseless inventions, and I have the right to ask that you attempt to defend your absurd inventions. My question stands, and bears repeating:
If you are trying to imply that W "used religion to mask preemptive war strikes" cite one credible and verifiable source to support your claim.  Just one.   [quote=anabuhabkuss] so the answer your stupid question Morphius, none of your f'n business). [/quote] Well, now that is a clever retort!  Ouch!  That certainly put me in my place!    So you can't find one single credible source to back up your silly claim about W using religion to mask preemptive war strikes" either, apparently? Strange.   [quote=anabuhabkuss]If you don't like it, do what it takes to stop this senseless and uncontructive posting.[/quote] You mean we should use constructive posts like you where when you can't answer rationally you resort to telling people "it's none of your f'n business?"  I've got to write this stuff down so I don't forget it.    [quote=anabuhabkuss]If you want to be unpatriotic bigots who whine and can not take responsibility for your own actions and happiness, maybe you should pack up and leave. [/quote] Oh good, more rational discourse.  When all else fails let's call people names!  Reminds me of the old adage, "Having lost sight of our objective, we redoubled our efforts."   What color is the sky in your world, ana?