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Beware of Federal Super Creditors

Beware of Federal Super Creditors

Is there such a thing as bulletproof asset protection against federal claims? Many estate planners say and advise their clients to use or rely on certain techniques and tools like state exemptions, tenancy-by-the-entirety property rights, limited liability company (LLC) interests or beneficial interests in trusts. But many of these same estate planners offer their advice based on two mistaken assumptions:

Is there such a thing as bulletproof asset protection against federal claims? Many estate planners say “yes” and advise their clients to use or rely on certain techniques and tools like state exemptions, tenancy-by-the-entirety property rights, limited liability company (LLC) interests or beneficial interests in trusts. But many of these same estate planners offer their advice based on two mistaken assumptions: first, that state law defines what a property interest is, and second, that all

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