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Wealth Management Wire
stock market trader Andrew Burton/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Will The Rally Sputter Here? - Weekly Market Outlook

There's reason to expect more upside from here.

The volume may not have been great behind the shortened trading week's gains, but a gain in a gain nonetheless. And, this one was particularly noteworthy in that all the major indices made their way into record high territory... at a time when they weren't supposed to.

Can it last? That's the $64,000 question. From a momentum and technical perspective, the picture is bullish - yes, there's reason to expect more upside from here. But there is reason to believe the rally may sputter soon and possibly roll over to the downside. This week is going to be interesting.

We'll look at the risks and rewards below, after taking a look at the bevy of economic news unveiled last week, and previewing this week's economic news.

Economic Data

Last week was an especially bug week for real estate news, with October's existing-home sales report coming on Tuesday, and new-home sales…

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