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Wealth Management Wire
Trump Pence
<p>Donald Trump being named the Republican Party&#39;s nominee for president is just one of many political curveball&#39;s seen these year.&nbsp;</p>

Trump, Reflation, And Randomness: A Look At 2017's Top 'Themes'

It's that time of the year again.

Alright, so on Saturday, I brought you Goldman's "Top 10 Trades For 2017," in the process noting that "whether you think of the Vampire Squid as a prophetic cephalopod or a solid contrarian indicator hell-bent on muppetizing clients, there's still something to be gained from checking the bank's top picks."

Well, it's that time of year, which means we've not only got a bevy of sellside "top picks" to sort through, but also a laundry list of "top themes" to analyze and interpret as well.

If you know me, you could have probably surmised that I find the "themes" infinitely more interesting than the "picks" because let's face it, the "picks" are just guesses and will play out according to some semblance of randomness, the same randomness that christens winners and losers in all walks of life, markets and otherwise (shout out to Nassim Nicholas Taleb).

"Themes" on the… /p>

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